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May 2004

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May 2004
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May 20, 2004
Current Music: Dido - "Sand in My Shoes"
I hate this color/pattern scheme. It's got to go, but I'm too busy to fuck with it right now.
"I know we said goodbye, anything else would have been confused, but I want to see you again." - Dido

May 19, 2004
Saw Shrek 2 tonight with Alex, Ali, & Ro. It was funny. I think one of the best one-liners was Pinocchio near the end. And the best scene was probably when Shrek and Donkey wake up after taking the potion. Plus I loved how they used the three blind mice, gingerbreadman, and grandmother wolf as usual. "All I found was a very gender-confused wolf, who said my princess was already married!" It was just all around funny, but in its ever-distinct sense of humor way. I might actually get sleep tonight!

May 18, 2004
Happy Birthday Dad.

May 17, 2004
Hopefully very very soon, there will be a poll on here. I need to know opinions on whether or not I should chop my hair off again - senior year of high school style. So look for it soon. Also worth noting, the Return of the King for Gamecube kicks lots of ass. I'm sure it will fill many of my long days this summer.

May 16, 2004
You really hurt me. I hope you understand that.
PS, I told you I didn't have them lined up. Apparently I didn't even have one, though I knew it not to be so.

May 9, 2004
Current Music: Dashboard Confessional - "Best Deceptions"
How could I let it not be more?

May 3, 2004
Current Music: POD - "Alive"
I already have a halloween costume idea for next year. It's genius. I saved it in a txt format in notepad. Someone remind me of this next October please. This is what happens when you try to procrastinate from a 25 page paper. Oh, and yes I know the background is still the same. I'll get to it. Eventually. When life isn't quite as crazy.

May 1, 2004
Current Music: Maroon 5 - "Sweetest Goodbye"
Worrying a bit about tonight. Last night would have been too much. Methinks tonight could be too though.
I didn't cry when I spoke. I was really worried I might. So go me. I did when he spoke though. But I think thats allowed. What a nice way to end the debate season. Just a great atmosphere and a lot of positive comments. Too bad Susan Chu couldn't make it - I wonder where she was? And it was nice that Jeff and Jordan showed up briefly. So goodness all around.