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March 2005

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April 22, 2005
Current Music: ?
There's no one left who sees the beauty on the inside...sad.

April 16, 2005. 3:43am.
Current Music: ?
I miss Bragin in my life.

April 8, 2005
Current Music: words
Look inside and see the beauty. Lay in bed with me till the sun has gone down and come up again. Talk to me. Love me.

April 2, 2005
Current Music: Queen - "We are the Champions"

March 8, 2005
Current Music: Steppenwolf - "Magic Carpet Ride," Leonard Skynard - "Sweet Home Alabama"
Took this from Ben, purely because it's interesting.

1. Open up the music player on your computer.
2. Set it to play your entire music collection.
3. Hit the shuffle command.
4. Tell us the title of the next ten songs that show up (with their musicians), no matter how embarrassing.
5. If you get the same artist twice, you may skip the second (or third, or etc.) occurrences. You don't have to, but since randomness could mean you end up with a list of ten song with five artists, you can if you'd like.

(1) Fiona Apple - "Never is A Promise"
(2) Juno Reactor - "Badimo"
(3) Gorillaz - "New Genious (Brother)"
(4) John Williams - "Anakin's Home and the Introduction to Threepio"
(5) Nelly - E.I.
(6) Dispatch - "What I Got/The General Live"
(7) Holst - "Mercury, the Winged Messenger"
(8) Sir Mix a Lot - "Baby Got Back"
(9) Ella Fitzgerald - "Miss Otis Regrets (She'll Be Unable to Lunch Today)"
(10) Clint Mansell - "Summer: Chocolate Charms" (Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack)

And just for fun, I randomized the list once more:

(1) Cake - "Sad Songs and Waltzes"
(2) System of a Down - "Psycho"
(3) Neutral Milk Hotel - "Chocolate Coffin"
(4) Smashing Pumpkins - "Love"
(5) Dave Matthews Band - "Satellite"
(6) Radiohead - "Fake Plastic Trees"
(7) Mozart - "Bei Mannern, welche liebe fuhlen"
(8) Tom Petty - "Into the Great Wide Open"
(9) Guns & Roses - "Sweet Child 'O Mine"
(10) Nas - "One Mic"

I think that 2 is a better indication of diversity than one perhaps.

March 7, 2005
Current Music: The Beatles - "Here Comes The Sun"
Wow, it's been a couple of months since I've listened to this song. Since there was a reason to feel it. Anyway, I opened up my "old school" folder today, and am getting to hear a bunch of greats. With each passing week, I feel the end of school looming even moreso over my head. I am scared about a bunch of things. I'm scared about living with my parents - losing a degree of privacy, sucumbing to the stockpile of junk food kept there, and always fearing about things while I'm there. I'm also scared that because of leaving school, but having many Jersey friends still in college, my social life is going to be essentially non-existent. Last time that happened (freshman year) I was tossed into a black hole of depression that it took through part of sophmore year to get over. I'm also afraid I might hate my job. So there's a lot of worries to be thinking about. I needed "Here Comes the Sun" today. On the other hand, right now my life is very positive; I'm having a great time with friends, and with most of my classes (except Qur'an), I'm working out and losing weight, and I'm happy. I just gotta get enough momentum in the happy to help it coast through what is undoubtably going to be a phase of huge life changes.

March 5, 2005
Current Music: None
YAY!!! Jay won Project Runway!! I'm so happy! I only just got to watch the rerun today, b/c the first time it was on I had to finish a paper. So that put me back in a better mood than when I returned home from a dismal debate weekend. Nir and I were so good dammit. But no luck. Somehow we managed to lose to Sam and Karima, even though Karima was not good. Se la vie. It makes things a lot more difficult certainly, and the outcome more likely grim. But I shant think about it right now. Just think about Jay's victory while my roommate and I go dress shopping for formal.

March 3, 2005
Current Music: Ella Fitzgerald - "Fascinating Rhythm," "Have You Met Miss Jones," "It's Only a Paper Moon," "Laura"
What a good motivator frustration at the gym can be. This morning I maintained 70 RPM throughout my workout for the first time since last spring. If only having frustration as a motivator didn't involve getting so frustrated.
"Blah blah blah. Get a job!"
To whoever's out there (if anyone's out there): if you knew that was from Hackers you're my new best friend. Or something. Well, you're cool in any case. Wow I just sounded like Septimus.
Well that's all there is to it. Nir and I just have to freaking qual this weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts. I hope I can rise to the challenge. I'm feeling more pumped than I was the other day. I think if I can just hone in, and fix a couple little things my game could be like "SHAZAM!" as Beyonce would say in Austin Powers.
Jeremy - you rock for caring enough to try to cheer me up. Even if it was with the grossest story ever - I still laughed. Which is a great deal more fun than crying.
I miss Eric.

March 2, 2005
Current Music: 50 Cent - "21 Questions," Quindon Tarver - "When Doves Cry," Jadakiss - "Why" (I'm having a rap day.)
I've been back into the gym these last two weeks hard core. I am determined to make it into my orange dress by the time junior senior formal rolls around. Even if Jason decides not to go, I'm still going. I think it will be fun. I've never been to any of the Brandeis dances, either because of a lack of a date, or because of unwilling boyfriends. And there are plenty of people in the group who are going without dates, so I think it'll be fine if I end up going without one. Anyway, so the exercise and good eating - thumbs up. Got a haircut yesterday - I love my hairdresser Ruthy. She is amazing, and I'm going to be sad to no longer have her nearby when I'm back in Jersey. She just knows how to make me look good. Though it was Lina's haircut that stole the show last night at debate. She looks amazing with straight hair! Though I gotta say, I liked her with curly hair too - it was cute. I'm not sure how pumped I am for Holyoke this weekend. I'm sort of running on fumes as it is, being that I've been to like 5 tournaments in a row. I'm having fun, I'm just tired out in general. I think Nir and I can do really well, I hope I just get up some more energy before then. Alright. I just got out of the shower, and I need some clothes.
So I decided the design I had going on last spring was (although not the prettiest ever) certainly the most easy to read, and to format. This whole "everything center justified" thing just wasn't working for me anymore. Though I seem to curse myself when I go back to labeled months, I'm going to give it a try. Here's to March 2005 - I hope it's a good one.
He knows. Somehow he's figured out that something's changed. And now he's playing games with me. Or at least that's what it feels like. STOP IT! Quit playing! Just forget you felt it.