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March 2004

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March 30, 2004
Current Music: DMB - "So Much to Say," Linkin Park - "Point of Authority," Dispatch - "Two Coins," Gorillaz - "New Genious (Brother)," Smashing Pumpkins - "Hummer"
It's blissful to wake up today and realize that I don't have ethnic conflict. It just splits up my day so bad. I've got a law paper to write today, on Ex Parte Quirin, and whether the form of military tribunal contained therein is an appropriate model for dealing with the prisoners at Guantanamo. Really interesting topic. Gets into lots of juicy other veins. So when I get back from the gym I've got to get started on that.

Oh, hey, if ya'll have a minute, and a dollar, sponsor my friend John walking for March of Dimes. I think its generally a good cause. Not that there aren't better causes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't support them all if we can. And personal relation is a good reason to support a charity. Um, so, yes. Check. Support John. I'm going to the gym.
I told you that you do it, I told you that it hurts me, you acknowledged that you do it. But then all it takes is for something new to come up and again you go back to treating me in that way. Why you've decided you must hold me to some messed up standard of perfection is beyond me, but quit it. You hurt my feelings when you act disappointed in everything about me. We all have shit sometimes that screws stuff up for us. And if I have an obligation to my parents then its a little more important than any other obligation. And I've never held you to that standard, so it's only fair you return the courtesy. I want to be your friend, very badly, but I can't if I'm going to feel (incorrectly) bad about myself every time we hang out. Please understand where I'm coming from.

March 29, 2004
Current Music: En Vogue - "Never Gonna Get It"
I love springtime.
14th team as it turns out. Sad. Still a good time though.
Someone help me! I need to turn off this damn touchpad!! And for the last time, it's not under mouse in the control panel!!

March 27, 2004
Current Music: Sting - "If I Ever Lose My Faith in You"
So close. Again. Probably 12th or so. Team we beat 5th round still broke. 3-1 pull up into a 4-0 round, and we win. And they break. It seems so unjust. I got more upset then I have in quite some time; debate had stopped making me cry for awhile. I just can't take the emotional highs and lows of competition. And I'm frustrated by my constant inability to be successful at something I know I'm good at. Arg. Hopefully nats will hold better things than Yale did.
Well I certainly wouldn't call her introverted...

March 25, 2004
Current Music: George Winston - "Lights in the Sky," "Love Song to a Ballerina"
Why is it still e'en so?

March 24, 2004
Current Music: Eminem - "Drug Ballad"
Going to Yale with Eric this weekend. Should be a good time. Haven't debated in 2 months or so. A much needed break. We'll see if it still makes me crazy. Hope not. Cause then I'll be alright for Nats with Eric also. Which is exciting. I am definitely looking forward to that. If you asked me a month ago, I would have said I'll probably never debate at nats. But now I get to, with the person I think I debate best with. Which is nice. We're going to do well I think. With octos I think we have a good shot. We were 12th at NYU out of about 110 or so. And we got tanked in speaks by those 2 uber-old dinos. So. Good stuff. Debate. Whoa. Craziness.

March 22, 2004
Current Music: Foo Fighters - "See You"
WE HAVE HOUSING!!!!! GRAD 150 C - I'm in room D!!! It's me, Alan, Glor, Mike, and Michelle. It's going to be great. We'll have a kitchen, and smash, and quiet sometimes, and mostly neatness, and yay! And everyone else in the ubersuite got housing also. There's another 5 person grad, also in 150 which is Jeremy, David, Erin, Gus, and Jeremy's friend Jason. Then a 4 person mod (13) - Chia, Sarah, Amy, and Cohen. Then finally Jen is living in an RA suite with Amy Lindner (also in Grad 150.) Next year is gonna rock. Except of course, for living on the 4th floor, but it was that or the first floor, which is loud. So. Now I am crashing like mad, and I must sleep. But yay for housing!
Also, game stolen from Stina, who stole it from someone else. You google your name and go to images, pick the ones you like, and post. Mine is a combination of the best from searching both "Beth" and "Bethie." In order not to bog down this page, I put them here on a seperate page. Enjoy. I did.

March 21, 2004
Current Music: Dashboard Confessional - "Best Deceptions," "Remember to Breathe," "A Plain Morning," and "Age Six Racer" (All in honor of getting to go see DC with nikki, ali, and ro.)
Finally beginning to recover. I think. But it's going to take a while. Especially with the craziness that is my LSAT class. And the craziness that is my 25 page FARC paper. {{Sigh.}} I'll be back soon with more interesting things to say than 'my life sucks.' Soon, I promise.

March 16, 2004 - And the Fun, it Just Keeps on Coming
Current Music: None, it's all gone :-( :-( :-(
As we've already talked about, with all the computer hell its been a rough couple of days. Unable to turn in assignments on time, unable to work on new ones, loss of personal files, loss of songs, etc. Liable to keep one stressed and flustered. Well today I was so in that state that I managed to lose my glasses at some point. Fan-freakin-tastic. Is it just me, or is losing glasses the irony of ironies? I mean, when you lose something, you have to look for it. But if you can't fucking see, how do you look for it? Anyway, the hits just keep on coming, and I'm trying to hold my chin above water.

March 15, 2004
Current Music: None, it's all gone :-( :-( :-(
RIP computer.

Yesterday my computer died. I accidentally downloaded a worm virus sent to me by someone on APDAweb. It killed my computer. Had to reformat hard drive. Lost everything. 13.7 GB of songs collected painstakingly over 6 years, and carried from 3 different computers. Lost my illegal software - Photoshop 7, Warcraft III, and so much more. It has been a sad sad day. But on a slightly more positive note, doesn't this picture just make you want the elf so bad??? Remember that Legolas page I made last year? I forgot about it till I was looking through my HTML files today to back them up. Here's the best one. God oh god.

March 14, 2004
Current Music: Sasha - Ibiza Global Underground Disc 1
This paper on Colombia is going to kill me or drive me crazy. I can feel it. It's already started ever so slowly. It's just going to be much more extensive research than I've done in a long time, if ever. And I'm starting from a position of zero knowledge. But Fitzduff says there is very little written on it now, and it is a good topic. Sounds more like something you'd want to write a thesis on. But whatever. Back to research mode.

March 11, 2004
Current Music: A Tribe Called Quest - "Jam," Tom Petty - "I Won't Back Down," Jennifer Lopez - "Waiting for Tonight" (Dunno)
I have trouble communicating with quiet people. I'm just so extroverted that I don't quite know how to react to people who aren't. I find myself wondering why they don't offer up more, thinking it's me, when really it's not. Troublesome.

March 10, 2004
Current Music: Dream Theater - "Solitary Shell," Baz Luhrmann - "Nature Boy"
Life is good today. A little crazy with work. But its early in the am, I've exercised, showered, breakfasted, and am ready to face the day.
Yeah, that back and forth was a little too intense. Mos def. Sleepy now. Oh - to know - the meeting with Professor Fitzduff went quite well today. We narrowed down my paper topic to something more reasonable, and I found out she's not as scary one on one as she is in class when she talks about stuff like meeting Khadafi. And I also found out today that she's on the Carter Center Board/council thingy. So if I could get a recommendation from her that would be kickass. Then, if I ended up at Emory I could maybe work there. Alright, just an FYI, now to bed.

March 9, 2004
Current Music: 311 - "Come Original," "You Wouldn't Believe," "Amber," "Beautiful Disaster"
Nice to talk to you.
So all in all the debate team didn't take too much heat for our public debate last week. Rachel Silverman's letter last week was pretty stupid, and was beaten down by 2 op-eds in this weeks Justice, one by Bragin, and one by an alum who graduated in 99. The article also was fairly balanced. Could have used a better title. But either way, we came out mostly on top - and as we hoped - more a part of campus life.

March 8, 2004
Current Music: Michelle Branch - "Goodbye to You"
Law School Fact That Makes Me Want to Puke #1: (This might become a daily feature.) According to statistics from GW University, if you have a GPA between 3.5 and 3.74, and you get between a 165 and a 169 on your LSATS, your chance of getting in is 272/279 or 97.5% percent. Very nice. If, however, you score between a 160 and a 164 with the same GPA, your chance goes down to 280/766, or 36.5%!!! That's sick.
Housing Lottery worked out alright, btw. I think it's going to be me, Alan, Michelle, Gloria, and Mike in a 5 person grad. Which would be great. I'd be so happy with that. Alan got the number (133), we just have to hope the 5 person grads hold out that long.
According to my totally unofficial weighing this morning, I think I lost another 4 pounds this past week. Which would be amazing. I'll have to wait until tonight to find out for sure. But in any case, I put my nose to the grindstone last week, and I feel good. In general, since I've started trying to lose, there have been some tangible results. My resting heart rate has decreased (which is great because it had gotten waaaay too high), I've reclaimed a pair of pants and 2 sweaters that had gotten too tight, and exercise has become noticibly less difficult. Granted, with the asthma and the still needing to lose more, it's no picnic. But it's not impossible. In fact, I don't think anything is impossible. At least that's how I feel right now.
Do I know myself, or do I know myself? 3.6! That is a lot in one week!! {{beams with pride}} Yay!

March 5, 2004
Current Music: Prince - "When Doves Cry"
Housing Lottery numbers come out today. I am scared...very scared.

March 1, 2004
Current Music:'s early again
Two weird dreams last night. Really weird. One involving sex with Nicholas Cage (don't ask---I have no idea) and the other I was killed by a little blonde boy. Of course there was more to both of them than that, but that's the main gist. Gave me quite the wiggins when I woke up this morning. Now to the gym.