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January 2003

January 2003 – Ani Lo Dat
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31 January 2003 – Make Them Apologize

- "Sometimes, the sound of goodbye, is louder than any drumbeat..."
- Current Music: Perpetuous Dreamer - "The Sound of Goodbye," Bob Dylan - "Boots of Spanish Leather," Arlo Guthrie - "Coming into Los Angeles," The Byrds - "Eight Miles High," Steppenwolf - "Magic Carpet Ride," Eminem - "Superman," Poe - "Today," and (I'm hanging my head in shame) Justin Timberlake - "Cry Me a River"

30 January 2003 – Superhero

- Since these pictures seem to be popping up all over the place lately (Paul, Liz, and others) I decided to put some of the ones I like up here. i like being here, sucks to be you, i am the master evil genious, i talk to myself, are you expecting someone, this hole i've dug is mine forever.
- Current Music: Rachmaninoff - "Piano Concerto #2"
- No sense in getting upset. It seems to me much of the time that we make things into much more than what they really are, and that in general people would be a lot happier if they could just learn to deal with the little disappointments. Getting better at that every day. I'm off to sculpture, to have fun working with stuff. :)

29 January 2003 – Untouchable Face

- Current Music: Busy Signals -- "Keep Busy," Hole -- "Malibu," Zwan -- "Honestly"
- Another busy day. Classes 11 to 2, then again 4 to 6. Then dinner with Alan. Then homework for a bit. Then working out. Then two hours of volleyball. Then more homework will have to be done.
- - "And every time I get a haircut its like evolution, pennies, nickels, dimes. I feel so dirty when I fake a smile." - Busy Signals, "Keep Busy"
- Fuck elasticity of demand. Fuck it. Why don't I have any fucking ims on my computer right now? Arg. I need some chocolate.

28 January 2003 – Hurricane

- Today was so busy I've barely had time to take a spare breath. How does that happen? I can have nothing to do then suddenly everything to do?

27 January 2003 – Soft Shoulder

- Ok. So its out. And understood. Now how do I fix it?
- Wow. Definitely gotta be visitng the MFA a few more times. Can't believe I've been here a year and a half and didn't realize that I get in for free by going to 'Deis. Good stuff.
- Ever just have those days where you're mesmerized by your own face? Not like, "Oh look at me I'm so pretty," or, "Oh look at me I'm so ugly," but just something kind of like, "Wow, thats my face, that's me." And you kind of wonder how it is most days you don't quite notice it? That you can glance at yourself 365 days a year, but every once in a while when you just sit back and stare its something totally surprising? Well, if not, too bad for you my friend. Cause days like that are kind of cool.
- Fuck Fuck Fuck. No.

26 January 2003 – Going Once

- Mmm, real breakfast, I mourn the days I go without you...
- Boy do I have immense amounts of respect for you. You never fail to surprise me.
- Ok, just a little anger management. Never intended it to be there that long. If you saw it forget it. I didn't really mean it.

25 January 2003 – Wishin and Hopin (cover)

- Ice cream was good times, as were the talks afterwards in the freezing basement.
- Ok, so according to Elaine and the (apparently) open tab (news to me) Bragin and I ARE two one with high speaks and "still in contention" with Melissa as a judge and Williams Novii as a draw. We'll see how this goes.
- Bragin and my record advances to 0-6 for bubble rounds. We picked up fourth and then got Jon and Helen as our fifth round draw. {{Sigh.}} Not sigh that we had to hit them persay (cause I like them) just sad that we didn't have an easier draw. So we lost. Whatever. Cusp. I'll just keep telling myself that. Cusp.
- Okay. That's slightly redeeming. 14th speaker. :-) And even more redeeming is the fact that I was given 2 27s which were knocked down to 26.5s (as Amherst was giving 1/2 points, and trying to keep it low speaks). So whatever. I'm happy. Getting there. Ever so slowly, but getting there. All in all this was quite a fun tournament. Good rounds, nice to stay till the end, fun bonding time with team members. Good stuff.
- Current Music: Ani Difranco - "Make them Apologize," "Not so Soft," "Not a Pretty Girl" (I've been neglecting Ani lately and I decided to fix that.) I think in general I tend to neglect Ani when I'm feeling happy. Guess she only comes back around when I'm feeling neglected.

24 January 2003 – Carry You Around

- Yeah, six people in my car on the way to Amherst. We'll see if I make it.
- Man I missed Mel. She's just such good people, and we are similar, and we get along so great. Maybe I will move there half way through second semester. Depends how other things go, but it could be a really neat time. We'll see. In any case it was good to catch up with a good friend.
- So being that the 2 other teams were Susan and Feczko, and Adam and Sam, Andy and I got the seed and a draw (Wesleyan C) that almost makes me feel bad. Maybe I should get used to that. In any case, we ran AA and picked up. Then second round we got two novii from yale who I'd encountered before - Ariel Schneller and Monica Mix. And we dropped. We ran Ford. That's the first time he and I have lost that case since Uva last year. Se la vie I suppose, because then Wesleyan B was our draw for third round. And when one hits a case about first cousin marriage how can one not pick up?? lol, especially when your opponents are the crazy one who likes incest and the fake brit who leans on the table. Anyhow, we figure we're two one and have probably pretty good speaks based on our draws, so thats cool. I plan not to go to the party tonight, I think I've had enough of getting fucked up at debate tournaments and then having it fuck me. So me, Susan, Adam, and Andy are going to Barts for ice cream. Eric and Sam are off to the party and the 33 handles of liquor - I think I'll pass.

23 January 2003 – You Had Time

- Or rather, maybe I didn't. I feel as though I'm already falling a little behind in my classes this semester. Now granted, I imagined that would happen a little bit because its a lot of work compared to last semester, but I really wanted to try to do well. Maybe by taking next weekend off and not going to North-Ams will help. I hope everyones okay with that when I tell them tonight.
- Well, not a bad first eboard meeting and practice rounds. I could get used to this whole responsibility thing. :-) God I love this. I'm so glad, so happy.
- HAHAHA!!! Get ready Amherst!! Bragin and I have an awesome new case and we are going to TEAR SHIT UP this weekend!!! Now all I have to do is find a way to get all six of us there in just my car. :-(
- Where are you and why aren't you here?
- Current Music: Ani DiFranco - "Loom," Simple Plan - "I'd Do Anything," Dixie Chicks - "Landslide"

22 January 2003 – Both Hands

- Life only gets more interesting.
- Back to the same routine?
- I love irony as much as the next girl...
- Thats sad. I'm a little sad.

21 January 2003 – Up Up Up

- Things can only go up from here. We're all going to have a great time working together, and I'm glad things shook down the way they did, with one exception. My sympathy for a good friend in that I know thats not really what you wanted, but take heart that your teammates really believe in their hearts you'll do it well. All in all, its going to be a great year, I just have this feeling...

20 January 2003 – The Whole Night

- Such good times in many more ways than I can say or could imagine. Lovin life these days.
- Current Music: Radiohead -- "Nice Dream" & "High and Dry," Rufus Wainwright -- "Complainte de la Butte," Robert Matarazzo -- "Afterglow"
- Bragin, thanks for sticking to your guns with the answer that I like much better. I needed that, and I missed you.

19 January 2003 – Loom

- Words loom overhead. Had to at least try to do that. Thanks.
- The election looms ahead of me. I should do some work for that.
- Party at Mod 32 looms ahead - at least that should be fun ;)

18 January 2003 – Falling is Like This

- I suppose there's a chance we could have lost 3rd round last night, but that would have sucked.
- Just to make slightly less ambiguous that last comment yesterday, think of where I was when I wrote it. Thats all.
- Bernbaum and I DID lose third round last night. And fifth round today. Lost to 2 amherst teams this tourney. And to Glunt and Berkowitz. 2-3. First time I've had a losing record since Columbia last year, and that was with JULIE. Whatever. at least Bernbaum and I had a pretty good time debating with each other. And Justin and I had a good chance to talk about things. All in all, a good weekend I'd say. Now we'll see about what awaits me back at Brandeis...

You're Brazil!
You're athletic, charming, and probably a good dancer.  Unfortunatley, you don't really mind chopping down the rain forest, and you probably consider homeless people expendable in certain circumstances.  Of course, your personality is so diverse that it's hard to track down exactly what you're like.  You definitely like Pele, the World Cup, and shouting "gooooal" at the top of your lungs.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

17 January 2003 – 32 Flavors

- In the tradition of updating five thousand times from Dartmouth (as there is a computer lab right across from GA) - heres some updates. Jon and I are pretty sure that we lost first round to Rob Glunt and Justin Berkowitz. I hate losing to them. Damnit. They ran that people should be allowed to be defended in court by those who aren't licensed, I-passed-the-bar lawyers. Interesting. Second round we hit random Williams novii (who hit Jay and Adam first round) and we beat them (we think) with Eliminate Advertising. It actually went really well this time (unlike Middlebury - where so few things went well...) Third round we hit random Novii from Amherst, who were actually quite good. I guess Crack was right about Amherst totally being the dark horse for success this year. But we ran AA and Bernbaum gave the most amazing MG, it was just great. The judge was still writing like 30 seconds after Bernbaum had sat down. So now its off to housing and the party. Hopefully this year I won't crawl (drunk as a skunk) into the snow in my tank top and shorts. We'll see. At least I know I won't end up crying in front of a bunch of people I love.
- On second thought, maybe I shouldn't say that.
- I miss you.

16 January 2003 – Shy

- Fuck, I'm late I'm late I'm late for class. Fucking semester of classes I actually HAVE TO GO TO! AHH! How am I going to get used to this after last semester??
- Though I started out nervous, I think I may yet have a really good time in this art class. It'll probably be somewhat difficult for me, but fun nonetheless.
- Wow, I'm rusty at debating. More so than I would expect. Speaking of debate, Justin wants to meet with me tomorrow to "talk about elections." He didn't get any more specific than that, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what he has to say.
- Ok, well, that's alright. I guess. Don't quite know how I feel. I suppose it doesn't really change anything. Don't know though.

15 January 2003 – Overlap

- "I search your profile / for a translation / I study the conversation / like a map / 'cause I know there is strength / in the differences between us / and I know there is comfort / where we overlap / come here / stand in front of the light / stand still so I can see your sillouette / I hope you have got all night / 'cause I'm not done looking, / no, I'm not done looking yet." - Ani

14 January 2003 – Every State Line

- we're idiots, they're idiots, on and on it goes
- Maybe this is a good thing in disguise. Time will tell. As for this weekend, hopefully Bernbaum and I will have a good time.
- I've really been grooving on this Kylie Minogue song lately - can't stop listening to it, ("Love At First Sight.") I decided that Crack and Josh and Bernbaum and Alan are right. As long as I treat these elections like a foregone conclusion thats all they'll ever be. I need to just "blow em off & keep going" as Eminem would say. I KNOW I can do this. Now I just have to convince everyone else I can too, no matter what they've heard or think of me.
- Current Music: Eminem - "Superman," Kylie, Steppenwolf - "Magic Carpet Ride," The Byrds - "8 Miles High"

13 January 2003 – Anticipate

- Elections are a week from tomorrow. And I am scared. I'm not scared to give a speech. I'm not scared to be questioned. I'm also not scared of all I would have to do if elected. Want to know what I'm scared of? That I'll lose. To Justin. Hell, scared of losing to anyone. I really care about this fucking team, moreso than I think anyone realizes. Its my ONLY activity at school. Its my life. If it weren't for the Brandeis Debate Team I probably would have transferred after last year. I have put my heart and soul all the way into it. And now I want to help lift it up - higher than its been before. I just want people to realize that. But if twice it seems that they have no faith in me - I really don't know what I would do. I just might lose it.
- Current Music: Coldplay - "Clocks," Kylie Minogue - "Love at First Sight," Jewel - "Jupiter," Will Smith - "Wild Wild West," Queen and David Bowie - "Under Pressure" ..... (Random stuff, I know...)
- I need opinions. I just made $600 over break. Am I stupid for REALLY wanting to invest $200 of that into a game cube??

12 January 2003 – The Arrivals Gate

- Back to BDeis. Dinner and Taboo with Alan, Andy, and Charlotte. Nothings changed much and thats nice.
- Good to see Curveball and Stuart. I really like those guys.
- Do not meddle with the plans of telepathics. BOO!
- PS: sorry it took me so long to get all this up guys, I just wasn't going to write a half month's worth of HTML on the shit of a dialup connection I've got at home.
- My room is so damn cold I have the damn mouse inside my sleeve so I don't have to expose my hand to the frigid air. Boo.

11 January 2003 – Work Your Way Out

- Last day in Jersey. Well, I'm glad to be going back. I had fun and I'll miss my friends, but I'll be glad to be getting back to routine, class, debate, and friends.
- Everyone was over tonight - the whole group plus Z and Steph. Good times. Perfect way to spend the last eve. But it makes me sad because I realize I might not be around for much of the summer if I get this Nancy internship. Its such a good opportunity though - I wouldn't want to pass it up.

10 January 2003 – Done Wrong

- Did my first oil painting today. Was going well till I put a little too much thinner on my canvas and ended up with a drip right through the pot I was painting. I was too lazy to fix it so put more drips over the still life and made it a little more modern than classical.
- Went into the city again tonite - this time with the whole fam (minus Aaron) to see this new play, or show rather, called "Metamorphoses," based on some of the old greek myths. Content was right up my alley, staging was extremely creative, and acting was excellent (except 1 girl I didn't like). On the whole quite entertaining. Nice way to spend a Friday night. Man I love New York. {{Sigh}}

9 January 2003 – Out of Habit

- Last day at work today. Gald to be done and about $600 richer. Though now that I'm home I realize I forgot to stock up on pens and advil liqui-gels. Oh well, another time. Kathy and Dr. Pallay said any time I want to come back I'm welcome. Even if its just I'm home on a Saturday and want to pick up a couple of hours. Thats a nice thing to keep in mind.
- Went out to one of Dad's resteraunts tonight in the city. Brought Ali and Nikki at Dad's offer. We went to the Manhattan Ocean Club cause thats one of the 3 (out of 7) that I haven't been to. It was very nice and they have a cool decor - plates on the walls that were done by picasso. Fun.
- Three hours of bond on cube. Hands cramped. Eyes watering. Soooo tired.

8 January 2003 – Talk to Me Now

- Normal eve at the bowling alley. Actually, I guess not quite. For once my home group of friends has actually shown some serious interest in whats going on with the rest of the world. Not that they don't know anything about it, just that they don't usually want to sit around debating whats wrong with society. Its a nice change, though weird. And also, I don't somehow really expect it to last.
- Thats enough out of you, Mouli. Interesting, but enough.

7 January 2003 – Back Back Back

- Talked to Bragin and Alan today. Was nice to catch up. I'm definitely starting to get excited to go back to school. There's just something nice about routines, and being home really can't capture that.

6 January 2003 – Blood in the Board Room

- So my letter is on its way to Nancy Pelosi through some hopefully lucky hands. Wish me luck everyone...
- Oh my goodness. Made my damn week.
- Time for some cheap fun. "Office Space" it is. :-)

5 January 2003 – My IQ

- On book six, otherwise explained as halfway through The Return of the King. Loving this Tolkien sooo much. Maybe I should try some more fantasy. Ro - if you read this - what was the name of that book you recommended to me?
- Watching a Miss Marple with my mother. Gotta love those PBS mysteries. Wish I someone else to watch them with sometimes besides her. Sorry for the lack of profound or interesting commentary lately. What can I say - its vacation...

4 January 2003 – Fixing Her Hair

- Work on Saturday morning. No fun.
- Went over Nikki's to play game cube with her and Ali. Bond. Its been a long time - I got sucky. The bot (on easy) killed me like 8 times. Good to hang out with the two of them but I'm getting increasingly anxious for things with me and Ali to be better. Its also been a long time since something like this has happened between us...

3 January 2003 – As Is

- Loughlin is the best. I'm so glad that this summer has just blossomed into an amazing friendship between the two of us. He came to pick me up for plans tonight cause I didn't want to drive in the snow. Which I just thought was so nice of him. He's a good guy, and I'm glad he's a part of my life.

2 January 2003 – The Million You Never Made

- Back to work today. Blah.
- Got a cheery letter today in the mail. Nice to hear from you two. Really nice. You are sorely missed around these times.

1 January 2003 – Hour Follows Hour

- Blah day. Stayed home because of snow. Read more Two Towers. Had no insightful thoughts. Sorry kids.