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College Home Movies

Wooo! This is gonna be where I show my little college quicktime movies! If i can figure out how to play them online that is. Undergoing construction! This will be really cool if I can figure out how to work it! Meanwhile, get excited about Halloweeeeeen!

today today today.... 10:23pm 23/11/2002 mood: exhausted music: "Tonight, Tonight"- Smashing Pumpkins ...was spent for the most part in my room. Not that I mind, as I am naturally a hermit. Not an antisocial hermit. Just the type who stay in their own little hole. I want everyone else to come to me. ::giggles:: Yes, so anyway. I was up late last night watching cartoons sent to me by Jonathan. I got some Pita Ten, Hack Sign, and Tokyo Mew Mew. Interesting stuff. It's always fun to run into new anime you've never even heard of before. I finished watching all of the anime this morning and then began disemboweling my room. It's all messy. I have to get things stored away and packed for break though. *sigh* I also still have to study for my exams, but I'm not too worried as I know most of the info for most of my classes pretty well. I just have to review. Mid afternoon Sabby came over and worked here. I continued digging things from behind my desk and came upon... guess what?? A Cockroach!! It skittered away and I slowly began pulling things away from where it had run in an effort to find it and smash its brains out. Well, I wasn't going to smash its brains out. I was relying on Nicole to do that, but I was going to find it so she could kill it. Anyway, I finally spotted it peering at me from over the top of a piece of black mat board. It could have almost been cute if it weren't A CRUNCHY CARRIER OF SKITTERING DISEASE!!!