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Stars In My Eyes

My Poetry
My Rescue Story
My Theme Song
Prayer List
A Few Pictures
Bible Study
Song Lyrics
My Friends' Poetry
The Daniel Pearl Mission
Words to Live By
See Stephen
Great Sites

God has these crazy little ways of working, and He's pulled me around a few weird turns lately. He's totally changed everyone and everything that's important to me, and I don't really know where I stand. He's pulling people out and pushing other people in, and I'm trying to just trust His plan. So here I am, God, I'm waiting for You to lead me. I know You've got something for me, God. I know You've got something great for me. So I'll just keep looking to You, Lord, and I'll never look away to see where I am. Because that doesn't matter. All that matters is You, God. I will go wherever You lead me.

I'm officially an Emory student. Yes, I'm actually here, and it feels like home. It may be hard to find a way to pay for the next 3 years, but I've got this year for sure, and I'm not letting it go. (Anyone who'd like to pay for me to stay, feel free to contact me...) I've met some amazing people here, who have all change my life in so many ways. I can't wait to spend the next four years with all of you. I'm happy that our midnight conversations have continued.

Much of this site is pretty personal poetry, my "rescue story", my past relationship stuff on the "ME" page that I've yet to change. It's me, open and true. Pretty bold move, eh? I like to think so.

Please sign my guest book so I feel special! Hugs and kisses and the love of Jesus Christ.

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