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Welcome to the Official Site of the Zip, Bindy and Alana Show!

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Hey everyone and thanks for visiting my site. The Zip, Bindy and Alana show has been running for about 2 or 3 years. It was started by my friend and I. We record it onto tapes and such. It's pretty funny.
BINDY- A rough and tough gal who isn't afraid to speak her mind and get her way. She doesn't believe in God and such and has a boyfriend named Todd.
ALANA- On the outside she is sweet and prissy but on the inside she almost as tough and outgoing as Bindy.
ZIP- A scrawny midget who has a high squeaky voice that makes you want to pound him all the time, which Bindy does. Amazingly, he has never died.
EXTRA CHARACTERS- Dr.Jones *The studio doctor.*
Adam *The sound director*
The Bum *He's just some bum that run around the studio making rude noises and pressing his face against windows*
Dr.Cherry *The female studio doctor*
Satan *Speaks occasionally on the show*
God *Also speaks occasionally on the show*
Svetlana *Zip's foreign girlfriend*
Sam the Ceiling person *Lives in the walls and ceiling of the studio*

This weeks special quote from the ZBA Show

Alana: Oh hi Dr.Jones!
God:Don't kill him Satan!
Satan:It's not my fault if he has a heart attack.......he shouldn't be eating all that pig fat!
God:Actually Satan you're right we're expexting him in 5...4...3...2...1..