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~*CaNdIz BaNgIn PaGe*~

ThIs Is Me CaNdIcE

Hey peoples! Well as you can see my name is Candice, but if youre blind then fuck you.. lol jk.. um well.. Im 16.. I live im Spfld, MA. Its ok down here I dont mind it.. Other people say it sucks but hey what do they know anywayz. Most people would say imma bitch but I dont give a shit. I am a bitch oh well. I hate chicks who hate on me.. I guess they are jealous 'shrugz' who knowz. I like to play softball, basketball and volleyball. My softball team really sucks this year but its just a game right? Yea right.. I wish. I play pitcher, 1st and 3rd. I could play the outfield but they never put me there. I could also play short stop but 'shrugz' I dont really care for it... I like rap, pop, r&b, alternative and reggae.. basically anything I can dance to heh. I have 2 dogs, a bunny, a hamster and I think we have fish.. lol.. I dont know about the fish cause when we had some they died and then my mom like bought more and ah I dunno lol..Well anywayz enough about me.. Im sure yall dun care heh.. Well anywayz.. Catch ya later :) love yaz Muah