[02:22] <@Hawklan> What we are about to do [02:22] <@Hawklan> is going to be the first of it's kind [02:22] * Mixilplix (Mixilplix7@serf-33252.gv.shawcable.net) has joined #hunt [02:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Mixilplix [02:22] <@Hawklan> as always [02:22] <@Hawklan> FTV and thier allies [02:23] <@Hawklan> are always the first to do anything in this game [02:23] <@Hawklan> the rest just follow and learn from us [02:23] * Allanon (~Allanon@200.82.43.serf-33605) has joined #hunt [02:23] -> [Omikron] PING [02:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Allanon [02:23] <@Hawklan> We are going to open [02:23] <+Allanon> hiya all [02:23] <@Hawklan> a very large [02:23] <@Hawklan> well [02:23] <@Hawklan> let's just say [02:23] <@Hawklan> that if we pull it off, AND WE WILL [02:24] <@Hawklan> it will be something awesome to behold [02:24] <@Hawklan> MB? [02:24] <@Hawklan> please continue [02:24] <@Masterblaster> ty [02:24] <@Masterblaster> Xollian Q20 and center 13441 [02:24] <@Masterblaster> http://www.advancedpowers.com/me_4g/galaxy_map.php?id=26666 [02:24] <@Masterblaster> that's the url [02:24] <@Masterblaster> open galaxy map please [02:24] <@Masterblaster> we have built a primary gate to 13386 [02:24] <@Masterblaster> Wed 2 am server time [02:25] <@Masterblaster> about 24h 30 min from now [02:25] <@Masterblaster> we move in with a big fleet [02:25] <@Masterblaster> we clear all the enemy forces from the gate to 13440-13441 [02:25] <@Masterblaster> the 3 sectors above [02:25] <@Masterblaster> and if possible a bit more around [02:25] <@Masterblaster> right after we start mining heavily the area [02:26] <@Masterblaster> when I mean heavily [02:26] <@Masterblaster> I'd like to see 70 full stacks x sector [02:26] <@Masterblaster> we'll build DMs launch bases on 440 - 441 [02:26] <@Hawklan> (thats 3500/3500 per sector) [02:26] <@Masterblaster> yep [02:26] <@Masterblaster> that's why the 250 mil fund request [02:27] <@Masterblaster> we'll have like 96 h to build dms [02:27] <@Masterblaster> and we'll build a lot! [02:27] <@Gwalahad> (32 dms/base) [02:27] <@Masterblaster> what has top priority [02:27] <@Masterblaster> is defend the DMs sites [02:27] <@Masterblaster> everyone who is on [02:27] <@Hawklan> (and the gate) [02:27] <@Masterblaster> will have to spend his time helping with this op [02:28] <@Masterblaster> it may be boring if they dont attack [02:28] <@Masterblaster> but I really dont believe that [02:28] <@Masterblaster> dont try to be greed to get kills [02:28] <@Masterblaster> priority is just defend the dms bases [02:28] <@Hawklan> (24h round the clock standing force of 10-15 ships) [02:28] <@Masterblaster> there will be a few coordinators hopefully online when needed [02:29] <@Masterblaster> if we are successfull defending them [02:29] <@Masterblaster> Sunday 2 am game time [02:29] <@Masterblaster> we'll make the big bang [02:29] <@Masterblaster> we'll need any kind of ship helping [02:29] <@Masterblaster> miners, warships [02:30] <@Masterblaster> and a few traders refilling the bases with resources [02:30] <+Sickle> what bout the stellar leech Mb? [02:30] <@Masterblaster> sci, expl and PS [02:30] <@Masterblaster> well [02:30] <@Masterblaster> right after we ping em there [02:30] <@Hawklan> questions after [02:30] <@Masterblaster> we wont be hidden [02:30] [Omikron PING reply]: 6secs [02:30] <@Masterblaster> our chances are all in defending the area at all costs [02:30] <@Masterblaster> if by chance [02:30] <@Masterblaster> someone should get podded [02:31] <@Masterblaster> he will stay in enemy space to coordinate TFP defence [02:31] <@Masterblaster> they dont have to reach the DMs bases [02:31] <@Masterblaster> since the op wont be stealth [02:31] <@Hawklan> they don't EVER reach the DM Bases [02:31] <@Masterblaster> I was thinking to have all the 20 bases claimed [02:32] <@Masterblaster> I'll send a message later asking for ppl with free bases slot [02:32] <@Masterblaster> if you have something you can unclaim plz do [02:32] <@Masterblaster> we'll set pw bases all the same [02:32] <@Masterblaster> so whoever can claim and build on [02:32] <@Masterblaster> that's not relevant anyway [02:32] <@Terinxan> wtf [02:32] <@Terinxan> why we so many in here?!?!??! [02:32] <@Masterblaster> they just dont have to reach our bases [02:33] <@Masterblaster> all miners ships and whatever will have to equip max TFP [02:33] <@Masterblaster> did I miss something kshiri? [02:33] <@kshiri> looks good [02:34] <@kshiri> are we sweeping to target sector? [02:34] <@Hawklan> THere is a couple [02:34] <@Hawklan> of items [02:34] <@Masterblaster> that's a good question [02:34] <@Hawklan> I would like to add [02:34] <@Hawklan> yes, that is one [02:34] <@Masterblaster> can I focuse on kshiri question first? [02:34] <@Masterblaster> k [02:34] <@Hawklan> I don't want them to have the means [02:34] <@Hawklan> of TBing [02:34] <@Hawklan> people out to thier minefields [02:34] <@Masterblaster> well clearing the whole area wont be easy [02:35] <@Hawklan> that will mean regular incursions [02:35] <@Hawklan> to clear all forces [02:35] <@Masterblaster> I say [02:35] <@Hawklan> and mine thier bases as well [02:35] <@Masterblaster> depend how many ppl we have tomorrow [02:35] <@Masterblaster> and how many defenders they have on [02:35] <@Hawklan> There is no need to rush it [02:35] <@Hawklan> just need to have everything cleared [02:35] <@Hawklan> and mined [02:35] <@Masterblaster> yes we could do continuous actions [02:35] <@Hawklan> before the bust time [02:35] <@Masterblaster> during these 4 days [02:35] <@Masterblaster> agree [02:36] <@Masterblaster> as I said [02:36] <@Masterblaster> this part all depend on how many ppl we'll have on [02:36] <@Masterblaster> of course [02:36] <@Masterblaster> clearing the whole area [02:36] <@Masterblaster> will make our intentions clear 100% [02:36] <@Masterblaster> and some cream could fleed [02:37] <@Masterblaster> are there more questions? [02:37] <@Forge> yes [02:37] <@Masterblaster> k [02:37] <@Ripper666> I don't care bout cream. I want to see em dead [02:37] <@Hawklan> ok [02:37] -> *Forge* hello there :} Didn't see ya ;) [02:37] <@Hawklan> please [02:37] <@Hawklan> one at a time [02:37] <@Hawklan> Forge? your question? [02:37] <@Masterblaster> Forge [02:37] -> [Omikron] PING [02:37] <@Forge> I have a question. Not to MB, but to the leaders here. Leaders, are you absolutely clear that for this not to be a complete disaster you will have to put your men on yellow alert 24/7 and not resort to normal casual trading etc [02:37] [Omikron PING] [02:37] [Omikron PING reply]: 3secs [02:37] * kshiri (t@serf-5600.verona01.nj.comcast.net) has left #hunt [02:37] * kshiri (t@serf-5600.verona01.nj.comcast.net) has joined #hunt [02:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +o kshiri [02:38] <@Forge> and not just agree in principle but cancel your alliance activities til sunday [02:38] <@Masterblaster> it's exactly what I asked [02:38] <@Omikron> I have a couple of questions after Forge finishes. [02:38] <@Forge> im done [02:38] <@derek> as do i [02:38] *Forge* yo ;p [02:38] <+Sickle> i have one [02:38] <@Hawklan> one second [02:38] <@Hawklan> ok [02:38] <@Hawklan> first [02:38] <@Hawklan> to Forge's question [02:38] <@Hawklan> yes [02:39] <@Hawklan> this is an opeartion for ALL allied alliances [02:39] <@Hawklan> which means that everyone must participate [02:39] <@Hawklan> the Leaders of the different alliances [02:39] * Allanon (~Allanon@200.82.43.serf-33605) Quit (Ping timeout) [02:39] <@Hawklan> will have to determine what that participation will entail [02:39] <@Hawklan> for example: [02:39] <@Hawklan> we will need people to make Plast_steel [02:39] <@Hawklan> people to make explosives [02:40] * choronzon (~choronzon@serf-26518.client.attbi.com) has joined #hunt [02:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o choronzon [02:40] <@Hawklan> people to stock mines, shields, drones [02:40] <@Hawklan> people to sit and wait for an attack [02:40] <@Hawklan> people to mine [02:40] <@choronzon> CAN SOMEONE PASTE ME WHAT WAS DISCUSSED [02:40] <@Hawklan> to drone [02:40] <@Omikron> choronzon yes [02:40] <@Hawklan> everyone will have something to do [02:40] <@Hawklan> your jobs, as alliance leaders [02:40] * JuliusCrassus (sktuti@67.167.12.serf-41999) has joined #hunt [02:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +v JuliusCrassus [02:40] <@derek> i have questions [02:41] <@Hawklan> is to co-ordinate [02:41] <@Gwalahad> ok i have not so much a question but comment on Hawklans answer to forges, we should get ppl do what there good at (ie established PS makers making PS, ...) [02:41] <@Hawklan> with MB and Kshiri [02:41] <@Hawklan> and fulfil [02:41] <@Hawklan> the needs of the builders [02:41] <@Hawklan> so [02:41] <@Hawklan> when we are done [02:41] <@Hawklan> you will have to convince, beg, plead, order, threaten [02:42] <@Hawklan> your alliance members into [02:42] <@Hawklan> participating [02:42] <@Hawklan> a standing 10-15 warship fleet [02:42] <@Hawklan> will be required [02:42] <@Hawklan> 24h a day [02:42] <@Hawklan> PLUS [02:42] <@Hawklan> the builders, miners, [02:42] <@Hawklan> traders [02:42] <@Hawklan> etc. [02:42] <@Forge> (can we timetable commanders for that fleet) [02:42] <@Terinxan> utopia [02:42] <@Masterblaster> nope [02:42] <@Masterblaster> we must do it! [02:43] <@choronzon> i have a concern about this 24/7 fleet [02:43] <@Hawklan> Forge [02:43] <@Terinxan> ppl arent that active you know [02:43] <@Masterblaster> and we'll do [02:43] * @derek has 2 questions [02:43] <@Masterblaster> wait plz [02:43] <@Masterblaster> lemme remark one thing [02:43] <@Masterblaster> until we start the clearing/mining op [02:43] * +Sickle has a question [02:43] <@Masterblaster> NO ONE has to ping them in their area [02:43] <@Masterblaster> for the next 24 h [02:43] <@Hawklan> no one IS to ping them [02:44] <@Hawklan> not has [02:44] <@Hawklan> no one IS [02:44] <@Masterblaster> coz so far forces were very few [02:44] <@Masterblaster> ok whos next question? [02:44] <@Hawklan> Forge? does that answer your question? [02:44] <@derek> me [02:44] <@Forge> yeah thats fine [02:44] <@Hawklan> ok [02:44] <@Hawklan> Next [02:44] <@Masterblaster> k derek [02:44] <@Hawklan> is Omikron [02:44] <@Gwalahad> you realise a day without me pinging them is almost suspicious but very well i best save turns anyway [02:44] <@derek> me [02:44] <@Masterblaster> doh [02:44] <@Masterblaster> sorry [02:44] <@Hawklan> actually [02:44] <@Hawklan> it's Omikron [02:44] <@Hawklan> then Derek [02:45] <@Masterblaster> kk [02:45] <@derek> yeah [02:45] <@derek> ok [02:45] <@derek> go omi [02:45] <@Hawklan> Omi? [02:45] <@choronzon> he is DCCin me hold on [02:45] <@Hawklan> ok [02:45] <@Hawklan> Derek? [02:45] <@Omikron> wha? [02:45] <@Hawklan> go ahead [02:45] <@Omikron> what isi? [02:45] * Allanon (~Allanon@serf-38997.200-82-43.telecom.net.ar) has joined #hunt [02:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Allanon [02:45] <@derek> ok [02:45] <@derek> rar! [02:45] <@derek> go omikron [02:45] <@Forge> you may have answered omis he said it was v close to mine [02:45] <+Tyrion> How about pm'ing questions to a designated person, therefore we can cover all questions and answer them with minimal unwanted convo [02:45] <+Sickle> how bout no Tyrion [02:45] <@Hawklan> *sigh* [02:46] <@Masterblaster> doesnt seem there are too many [02:46] <@Forge> because others will have the same questions [02:46] <@Hawklan> I don't need help [02:46] <@Masterblaster> let's go with order plz [02:46] <+Tyrion> apologies for my rant [02:46] <@Hawklan> Omikron? [02:46] <@Hawklan> what is your question? [02:46] <@Omikron> yeah [02:46] <@Omikron> so [02:46] <@Omikron> can we REALLY get the big ftv guys to help? [02:46] <@Omikron> i mean no dissrispect [02:46] <@Omikron> but [02:46] <@Omikron> on multiple ocasions [02:46] <@Omikron> ive seen big FTV&BL ppl [02:46] <@Omikron> trading [02:46] <@Omikron> or watching [02:46] * @Forge agrees with omi [02:46] <@Omikron> as we all BB [02:46] <@Omikron> or do a fleet op [02:46] <@Hawklan> Yes Omi [02:47] <@Omikron> despite various threats [02:47] <@Hawklan> I will man the boot button [02:47] <@Omikron> second is this: [02:47] <@Omikron> is the server gonna take this? [02:47] <@Masterblaster> lol [02:47] <@Omikron> remember what happened last time [02:47] <@Hawklan> yes it will [02:47] <@Omikron> when we had a lot of guys in a BB [02:47] <@Hawklan> Omikron [02:47] <@Hawklan> Don't worry about it [02:47] <@Hawklan> now [02:47] <@Omikron> ok then [02:47] <@Omikron> so be it [02:47] <@Omikron> thats about it for my q`s [02:47] <@Hawklan> Yes [02:48] <@Hawklan> the 'big' BL people [02:48] <@Hawklan> will ALL be participating [02:48] <@Hawklan> in one way or another [02:48] <@Hawklan> *I* Gurantee it [02:48] <@Hawklan> Derek? [02:48] <@Hawklan> question? [02:48] <@choronzon> I have a concern about this 24/7 fleet [02:48] <@choronzon> oh sorry [02:48] <@Hawklan> Derek? [02:49] <@Hawklan> ok [02:49] <@Hawklan> Sickle? [02:49] <+Sickle> mine was next [02:49] <@Hawklan> you had a q? [02:49] <@derek> me [02:49] <@Hawklan> man [02:49] <@Hawklan> ok [02:49] <+Sickle> ah go ahed derek [02:49] <@Hawklan> Derek? [02:49] <@derek> k [02:49] <@derek> what do we do about their tfp and their DM's [02:49] <@derek> all they have to do is chill there and fire away [02:49] <@Hawklan> We defend [02:49] <@derek> but how [02:49] <@Hawklan> as best we can [02:49] <@derek> we cant go past our mine [02:49] <@derek> s [02:49] <@Hawklan> well [02:49] <@Hawklan> building [02:49] <@Saruman> I'll field this one Kent [02:49] <@Hawklan> force walls [02:49] <@Forge> we unlcaim bases before they are fully dm'd hopefully since all passes will be the same [02:50] <@Hawklan> ok Saruman [02:50] <@Forge> thus unbustable [02:50] <@derek> i see [02:50] <@derek> ok that the DM's [02:50] <@derek> now waht about tfp [02:50] <@Hawklan> Saruman? [02:50] <@derek> theyre virtually safe [02:50] <@Hawklan> you had an answer? [02:50] -> [Omikron] PING [02:50] [Omikron PING] [02:50] <@Saruman> YOU DON'T STAY IN THE SECTOR OPEN TO TFP. SINCE WE WILL ALL HAVE FORCES THERE, ONLY IF/WHEN THEY PING US, WILL WE MOVE OFF THE BASES TO ENGAGE. AND IF THEY TFP OUR FORCES. WE THEN LAUNCH AND TFP THEM. [02:50] [Omikron PING reply]: 5secs [02:51] <@Saruman> We will have more than them. [02:51] <@derek> but the BR doesnt say who did [02:51] <@derek> it [02:51] <@Omikron> as I understand there wont be any sectors available to TFP from [02:51] <@Omikron> right? [02:51] <@Saruman> Yes, but it's only a matter of process of elimination. [02:51] <@derek> no thats now what im saying [02:51] <@Saruman> We all fire TFPs, until we hit someone. [02:51] <@derek> them|us [02:51] <@Hawklan> Also [02:51] <@derek> they fire at our forces [02:51] <@Mixilplix> it was also suggested someone go blue [02:51] <@Hawklan> we will be [02:51] <@derek> and can destroy them all [02:51] <@Hawklan> going in and clearing thier forces [02:51] <@Hawklan> regularly [02:52] <@Hawklan> this will give them no protection [02:52] <@choronzon> well im SURE i will be blue by then ;) [02:52] <@Hawklan> remember [02:52] <@derek> ok i see i see [02:52] <@Hawklan> from the DM bases [02:52] <@Hawklan> it is 4 sectors [02:52] <@Omikron> cant we just keep 4x4 sectors mined in? [02:52] <@Hawklan> if we mine 4 sectors out [02:52] <@Gwalahad> yes may i add that elimination isnt too hard considering only certain nmes bother to TFP of all the existing nmes ingame, croos reference with CPL and allaince of area youll get the right name in no time [02:52] <@Hawklan> then they can't tfp [02:52] <@derek> can i get a list? [02:53] <@Hawklan> of? [02:53] <@Hawklan> enemies? [02:53] <@Omikron> imo If all they do is tfp forces then theyre easy kills as well [02:53] <@derek> the enemies who bother to tfp [02:53] <@Hawklan> well [02:53] <@Hawklan> the force commanders [02:53] <@Hawklan> will guide [02:53] * Captain_West (~rpapermas@serf-1430.va.client2.attbi.com) has joined #hunt [02:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Captain_West [02:53] <@Hawklan> when it is time [02:53] <@Hawklan> ok [02:53] <@Hawklan> Sickle? [02:53] <+Sickle> ahem [02:53] <@Hawklan> your question? [02:53] * @Forge puts name down in queue for asking another question [02:54] <+Sickle> what will the Stellar Leechs be used for? [02:54] <@Masterblaster> ok lemme answer [02:54] <@Masterblaster> are you refering to my first message? [02:54] <+Sickle> yes i am [02:54] <@Masterblaster> forget it then [02:54] <@Masterblaster> it was to build primary gate [02:54] <@Masterblaster> without making dot [02:54] * +Sickle forgets [02:54] <@Hawklan> I guess Sickle [02:54] <+Sickle> k [02:54] <@Masterblaster> but since none answered [02:54] <@Masterblaster> I made it with SR [02:54] <@Hawklan> you will have to bring a BW for the fun [02:55] <+Sickle> unfortunatly hawk [02:55] <@Hawklan> Choron? [02:55] <+Sickle> i am only lvl 19 [02:55] <@Hawklan> you had a question? [02:55] <@Masterblaster> can I say a few things about tfp tactic plz? [02:55] <+metzengerstein> me too [02:55] <@Hawklan> ook [02:55] <@Hawklan> ok [02:55] <@Masterblaster> too many times I saw ppl dying from enemy tfp [02:55] <@Hawklan> MB first [02:55] <@Masterblaster> as Saru said [02:55] <@choronzon> go ahead [02:55] * @Hawklan looks at Sandman [02:55] <@Masterblaster> all the actions has to be coordinated [02:56] <@Masterblaster> every ppl should stay landed on base [02:56] <@Masterblaster> have a game window open with the player targeted [02:56] <@Masterblaster> with just sector to fill in [02:56] <@Masterblaster> when the target pings [02:56] <@Masterblaster> everyone takes off fire and land back [02:56] <@Masterblaster> it takes only 4 damn seconds [02:57] <@Masterblaster> if you use multiple windows properly [02:57] <@Masterblaster> lag or not [02:57] * Panda (Panda@serf-22956.ipt.aol.com) has joined #hunt [02:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +a Panda [02:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Panda [02:57] <@Masterblaster> Saru tell me if I said any BS plz :) [02:57] <@Saruman> Nope it's all true [02:57] <@Masterblaster> I was so pissed last bb [02:57] <@Saruman> except it takes 4.2 seconds [02:57] <@Saruman> :P [02:57] <@Masterblaster> when we had 70 ships! [02:57] <@Masterblaster> I never saw such a big fleet [02:58] <@Hawklan> well [02:58] <@Sandman> bah they focus all tfp fire on me [02:58] <@Masterblaster> and a few enemy defenders [02:58] <@Hawklan> that BB taught us a lot [02:58] <@Ripper666> well we should have rushed em [02:58] <@Hawklan> we will not make the same mistakes [02:58] <@Masterblaster> ok [02:58] <@Hawklan> Choron? [02:58] <@choronzon> my concern has to do with various "hot spots" and this operation taking away my ability to control these contested areas [02:58] <@Hawklan> you had a question [02:58] <@Hawklan> ? [02:58] <@Ripper666> In that BB i died not because of game lag, but cos of PC lag... [02:58] <@choronzon> like my problems in FR [02:58] <@Hawklan> well [02:58] <@choronzon> at what point is it going to be clear our intentions [02:58] * derek (derek@serf-63769.74.101.254.Dial1.Philadelphia1.Level3.net [02:58] <@Hawklan> the enemy cannot be in 2 places [02:58] <@choronzon> tomorrow 200? [02:59] <@Hawklan> at once [02:59] <@Hawklan> maybe you can build a gate [02:59] <@Hawklan> at the gate point [02:59] <@Hawklan> back to your space [02:59] <@Locknload> I have a ? [02:59] <@Hawklan> the standing fleet [02:59] <@Hawklan> can decide what to respond to [02:59] <+metzengerstein> see you [02:59] <@choronzon> hmm ok hawk, i think enemy will be overly busy tomorrow once we start ops [03:00] <@Hawklan> yes [03:00] <@Hawklan> Metz? [03:00] * metzengerstein (~user2531@200.93.65.serf-41803) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:00] <@Hawklan> you had a question [03:00] <@Hawklan> ok [03:00] <@Hawklan> Lock? [03:00] <@choronzon> hehe [03:00] <@Locknload> Have logistics been decided where to get mines in suff qty and store such? [03:00] <@Hawklan> yes [03:00] <@Masterblaster> ok I answer this [03:00] * @Forge has one too mind ;p [03:00] <@Trojan> 13237 sells mines [03:00] <@Hawklan> we are placing you in charge of that Lock [03:00] <@Hawklan> sorry [03:00] <@Ripper666> We stock mines in personal? [03:00] <@Hawklan> I was going to tell you about it later [03:00] <@choronzon> ALL FORCES SOLD AT 14891, AC is resupply at good DI [03:00] <@Hawklan> yes [03:01] <@Hawklan> but we have [03:01] <@Hawklan> mines, cds, scouts [03:01] <@Hawklan> in Mawlor that gen [03:01] <@Hawklan> at 4K a day [03:01] <@Masterblaster> SF has already stocked 9500 mines [03:01] <@Masterblaster> and 3200 cds [03:01] <@kshiri> mb... [03:01] <@choronzon> damn [03:01] <@kshiri> thats 9k cds now [03:01] <@Masterblaster> sorry kshiri :) [03:01] <+Sickle> back to questions? [03:01] <@Masterblaster> wait [03:01] <@Hawklan> Every alliance [03:01] <@Hawklan> should be stockpiling CDs and Mines

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