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-Shadow Borne Art-


fantasy & equine

"Stepping out of the dark, and into the light of the imagination, because we all have a place, even if it is only in our dreams- so let the dreams begin and the soul run rampant. Who knows, maybe you will find a piece of that dream here..."

Welcome to Shadow Borne Art.....

This is a collection of my art, (sketches, paintings & other stuff) as well as a tribute to an eclectic group of artists that I admire and enjoy the work of. Those that have influenced my work, and inspired me.

If you have any questions or inquiries about purchasing a piece you have seen or comissioning one of your horse or loved ones, perhaps even a piece that you would just like to have done; please contact me at-

Hopefully it will be easy for you to find your way around, and that you enjoy your visit. Also please be sure to visit the links connecting you to more of the work from the artists you like.

Should you find yourself attracted to the type of artwork and perhaps interested in finding other stuff of the same genre such as poetry, posting boards, and other strange and unique "things" please visit out sister site.......

Karmic Shadows



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