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Thomas Burnet

1612 - 1684


Father: Thomas Burnet
Mother: Jane Foys

Family 1: Mary Cooper
  1. Aaron Burnet I
  2. John Burnet
  3. Hester Burnet
  4. Miriam Burnet
  5. Lot Burnet
  6. Priscilla Burnet
  7. Mordecai Burnet
  8. Daniel Burnet
  9. Matthias Burnet
  10. Joel Burnet
  11. Lois Burnet

John Burnet
1521 - 1575

Alexander Burnet
1540 - 1578



Elizabeth Lumsden

Thomas Burnet
1570 - ?




Robert Arbuthnott
1535 - 1606


Katherine Arbuthnott



Isabel Burnet
1537 - ?

Thomas Burnet
1612 - 1684






John Foys


Jane Foys





  The following is a statement found in a History of Essex County, New Jersey:

"The Burnett family is probably as numerous as any other in the state and has always been very prominent in public affairs and in moulding those events which form the history of the Commonwealth. Liberal and public spirited, its representatives largely promoted education, moral and material interests, and left the impress of their individuality upon public life."
Thomas Burnett, the first of this name in Southhampton, had a lot granted him October 13, 1643. He probably came here not long before this time. Savage mentions him as a resident of Lynn, Massachusetts, though Lewis and Newhall make no mention of him. No record of his emigration has been found to show from what county in England he came. the record of the branch in New Jersey has been furnished by Mr. John R. Burnett of South Orange, New Jersey.


In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Burnett, of Southampton, in ye
east Riding of Yorkshire, in Long Island, husbandman, being sick of body but
strong ye mercy of God, in perfect strength of memory, blessed be His name, for
it and not knowing the day of my death doe make this my will and testament in
manner and form following:

Imprimis, I give and bequeath my soul to Christ, my Redeemer, who by His blood
hath purchased the same.

1stly: I give my body to ye earth from whence it was first taken after a decent
burial to be made by my executrix and for my wordly estate I give it as hereafter

2ndly: I give unto my six children, John, Joel, Lott, Hester, Merrium, Priscilla,
each of them 5 shillings apiece, to be paid to them by my executrix.

3rdly: I give unto my son, Aaron Burnett, my house and home lot after my wife's
decease, and my 3 acres on ye 10 acre lott.

4thly: And at my decease I give unto him my said son my ten acres lying at
Meacoke Gate adjoining to ye land of Mr. Jonah Ffordham, all my ox pasture
division, and 2 heifers and 2 steers, to be delivered to him by my executrix.

5th1y: I give unto my two sons, Moredecai and Dan Burnett, all my land att ye
place called Cormerants Point, to be equally divided between them when they shall
obtain to ye age of 1 and 20 years only they shall summer 6 cows during her life.

6thly: I give unto my son, Matthias, after my said wife's decease, my leaf
in ye Great Plains in Halseyes Neck.

7thly: I give unto my daughter, Lois, at her day of Marriage, or at ye age of
18 which first happens, the sum of 10 pounds to be paid unto her by my executrix.

Lastly: I, by this my last will and testament, make my living wife, Mary Burnett
sole executrix of this my last will and testament and to have all ye residue of
my estate that is not disposed of, and to pay all my debts and legacies herein-
after mentioned.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the
10th day of March 1679-80.

(signed) Thomas Burnett (Seal)

John Hester
John Laughton

A true copy - John How Clark
Dec. 2, 1689