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Beth and Sara--Best Friends Forever

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Once upon a time, I rode Bus 2, to and from school everyday...well, everyday of 4th and 5th grade...well anyways, one day, I didn't have a place to sit, because my regular seat-buddy and I had a I sat with a girl named Sara. She gave me Chiclets, which probably led to my addiction to gum. I am 6 1/2 months older than Sara, therefore I'm a grade ahead of her. So, when the time came for me to move up to the middle school, to 6th grade, we lost contact. We didn't re-establish contact until I was in 7th, and she had moved up into 6th. We both lived close to the school, and close to each other, so we walked home together everyday. I used to get in trouble for going to her house without calling ahead of time...then in 8th grade, we got closer, but then I moved up to high school for 9th grade. We didn't keep in contact then either, but all of a sudden in the summer before my sophomore year, she emailed me. She was an upcoming freshman, and I was happy. We live really close to each other, so we ride the same bus, once again. Our homerooms are next-door to each other, so we can hang out a lot. I go to her house all the time...Our parents got sick of never knowing when I was going over there, so we established that every Tuesday, I'd go over there. I still go over there whenever Sara or I feel like it. Last year, my sophomore year, Sara and I had so much fun. There was this one guy, Mike, who was a senior, and we thought he was incredibly hot. I knew him personally, so we got to talk to him a lot. And, Mike lives right in the middle of the two of us, so when going to each others houses, we walk right past his house...We go to Gathering Grounds, a Christian concert venue where I work, or we go to the movies. Gathering Grounds is my weekend life. Sara and I volunteer there...we "wreak havoc" there, which is what I call going out in public...we meet a ton of people there...we discovered our favorite band there, Candle Rain...We know all the members, and we love them...I made a page about them...

I love Sara with all my heart and soul..she's awesome...we are so much alike that we get along, yet so different, that we get along...

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