The following jobs are now available so you may apply now. To apply e-mail the head clique member here telling her why you want the job and some example of your work related to the job your seeking. You are not getting paid for these jobs so if you choose to apply your working for the growth of the clique.

Please apply today we really need your help and plus your doing something positive.


Idea Manager




Advice Manager



Chat Room Manager

This person has to come online once everyday except sunday to visit the chat room which is located on our main page to see if its active or if we have people harrassing. This person does not have to sit in the chat room the whole time but 5 mins max




Profile Helper

This person has an easy job. Profile helper has to come online atleast twice a week and if any members have any questions about their profile they will be there to help. This person has to know a great deal about profiles or atleast have the links to help pages.





Doll Creator

This person creates dolls for members and the aol public to use. This person creates the dolls and puts them on our doll page for people to use. I have a link to a ton of dollmaker sites for the creator to use.




Web Design Helper

I believe this person has a hard job so if you dont come online often then dont apply for this. This person has to be online 6 days a week 30 a day max and helps all members with questions. You are not required to make layouts but you can if you wish. This person must know a great deal about webdesign including frames. You are not required to know about graphic design. You will be provided with 2 assistants plus help from the head officers of the clique.








Graphic Designer

This job is not official but we do need someone who know a bit about graphic design to help members out and design blinkies....etc...


This person gives advice to all members...This person has to be very skilled and has to come online often as in 4 times a week and more
This person creates all new ideas for the clique to expand and manages all ideas from members so if a members has and idea other than one that the idea manager has then she will send it to the idea manager for approvel


Assistant Positions

Assistant Positions are easy. You dont not have to work as hard as the managers but you do work. Assistants are just as important as the managers but do not have to be online as often. Assistants are required to come online atleast 2 times a week and ask the manager if any help is needed and if not they are free do do as they wish.

Pleaseeee we need assistants so to apply for an assistant position click here

Assistants needed

Idea Assistant (1)

Doll Assistant (2)

Profile Assistant (1)

Chat Room Assistant (1)

Web Design Assistant (2)

Advice Assistant (1)