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twinkleAbout an Angeltwinkle

Let me thank you for coming to my page. Here's a tid bit about me. My given name is Maria, but I seem to be becoming acustomed to Angel. Right now I'm living in Columbia, SC and I will be attending Columbia College in the fall. I will be studying secondary education (spanish) and business administration; and hopefully I will an involved Koala (my school's mascot).
As far as right now goes, I'm currently working as an Accounts clerk on Fort Jackson and just enjoying my Summer days. I love my job, so I suppose it's not really work.
When I do get free time, I just like to relax. So I'll either go to the movies, the mall, hang out at my friend's houses, attempt to play pool, or just find something to do online. I'm a pretty simple person if you haven't already guessed.
For those of you wondering, I'm single right now. Go figure huh? Actually, it's by choice. I just haven't found someone that can stimulate my mind, keep my attention, and make me go dayum... I'm waiting for Prince Charming, but he seems to be taking a long detour. So, if there are any tall, educated, financially & emotionally stable guys out there that have realistic goals, drive, know how to treat a female and stay in the area, feel free to hit me up.
Hmm...I guess that's all for right now, I'm sure I'll update this another time when I'm not so tired and have actually thought out what I want to write about myself.

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