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The Future of Quo Vadis

The future has already started with the importation of Sabre aka American and Canadian Champion Savoyes Starion Goldfire.

We had purchased a beautiful half brother to fly down from Vancouver, but a month prior to his flight to New Zealand, developed invasive cancer. He was the lovely young fawn and white male, Canadian Champion Ajays Good Will Hunting, sired by Canadian Champion Ajays Triumph To Ruby Dawn S.O.M., a half brother to Sabre. Very unselfishly Angela and John (Ajays) put us onto the Savoyes Pam and Barb. The culmination being Sabre.

The first American and Canadian Champion to grace our lovely shores. All going well a fawn and white nephew to Sabre should be arriving soon, with a fawn and white bitch to follow.

We made the decision to import when an era closed with the loss of Michael, the lovely CH Quo Vadis Opera Phantom.

We felt that Boxers down under needed an infusion of something different, enter Sabre, but he of course cannot do it by himself, hence the two to come shortly.

Sabre has settled in magnificently, you would think he had been born here. He left quarantine in amazing condition and musculature, thank you to Qualified Animal Services.

Thank you to Diana at International Pet Services L.A.,

AND the biggest thank you to Pam and Barb for allowing us to cajole you into letting Sabre come to New Zealand.

We will watch with interest Sabres offspring in the American Show Rings.

Click Here to See Sabre's Kiwi Kids

Click Here to See Sabres Winning Get in the U.S.A.