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Welcome to the web page of la Sra. Hagerty. Here you will find information about the classes I teach and some of my favorite web sites.

Spanish II

This course provides students with opportunities to continue with the development of their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students participate in simple conversational situations by combining and recombining learned elements of the language orally and in writing. Extensive vocabulary and grammar are incorporated at this level.
The textbook En Espanol is used for this course. Students are required to have a three ring binder, and they are encouraged to purchase a good Spanish-English dictionary.

Spanish III

This course provides students with additional opportunities to expand their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. More emphasis is placed on communicating in the present, past and future. Short literary texts and authentic materials on familiar topics will be read and discussed. Students will also continue to expand their knowledge and understanding of the target culture and examine the interrelationships of other cultures with their own.
The textbook En Espanol is used for this course. A three ring binder and a good Spanish-English dictionary is also required.
This class is weighted on a 5 point scale.

Spanish IV

A major emphasis in this course is to enable students to communicate in writing and have extended converstaions in the target language. They will also be required to do independent reading of literature and further develop their insight into Hispanic cultures.
A good Spanish-English dictionary is required.
This class is weighted on a 5 point scale.

Music Culture & History
News Practice Lessons