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 Credits and Acknowledgements


April 25, 2002

Hello guys and gals, including all those in between!  Welcome to the new look of NIC'S LAIR!!! There were so many changes that occurred here.  Well, times have changed, the conditions inside and outside our country also changed, oil prices have change... for the worse, that is....... well, so should be the layout of my homepage.

I've done away with those frames.  Framed pages tend to have a problem when put into a search engine.  Plus, one of my friends say, that unframed pages look better and cooler.  Well, I still have to find it out.

I intend to shift the bubbly mood of my previous layout to a more serious one, by making this current page a little less colorful.  All those who have seen the previous layout said it was too colorful.  Well, it is only now that I realized that.  However, I'm still reluctant to take away the color Yellow.  Its kindda cute with a dark BG, =).

I'm kindda starting from scratch here.  I haven't updated, edited or even viewed my own page in months and feel like lost.  There are lots of plans in progress, but I think in two weeks or three, all will be better. 

I used Microsoft Frontpage 2000 from the XP package to edit this page.  I also used a long-time friend, Macromedia Fireworks for the simple and disjoint rollovers.  This is my first time to employ disjoint functions, and at my first try, I didn't get it right.  Only after days that I really had disjoints work properly.  By the way, there is still plenty of room for improving my rollovers, and I know that! =).

I included a new "department" in my page --- INTERESTS dep't.  Well it's just a link containing, well....... my interests, =).  But only some of it.  The other departments are still here, although they may all be down for quite a moment, as I'm still gathering things to put there.  I also might add a new section --- ARTICLES, but I'm still thinking on it.  It will feature short articles   that won't fit under PHILOSOPHIA and LITERATURAIt may contain personal articles, either written by myself or a contri.

The "rantings" and the polls will still be here to stay, =).  Nevertheless, there will be none for the time being, =(.

The background music is my own  punk version of "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum.  Cute, isn't it? =).

If you have any suggestions, comments, violent reactions, donations (=)), corrections, or just whatever, just e-mail me (click on the rotating mailbox!).

So, have a great time with the new layout.  Just sit back, grab a drink or a beer, or something, relax......... and take a look around!





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