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Flying Start

Part 1 - Arriving
By Shasa Jin Umi

February 18th, 2002


Shasa gazed at the view and was simply astounded at the beauty before her.  "Kirsa," she softly murmured, "Have you ever seen anything like it?"  Shasa exhaled, eyes transfixed upon the Lodge.  "It's…"  The mare whickered its agreement, breaking the spell Shasa had fallen under.  Shasa laughed lightly.  "Well, since we are both in agreement, than let us take our holiday there."  Shasa turned in the saddle and whistled sharply, and a creamy yellow retriever bounded over the hill.  Lightly urging the mare forward, horse and rider chased the energetic dog, and together they became part of the magical landscape.

"Excuse me, but do you rent rooms here?"

The woman she addressed was certainly an interesting creature.  Strong and confident looking; Shasa admired that.  However, she was concerned when an answer wasn't forthcoming.  The woman looked at her, seemingly evaluating Shasa.  What she could be assessing was beyond the young foreigner.

"My apologies, but is there a problem?  I mean, if this beautiful place is not a Lodge, as I had thought, I hope you accept my sincere apology as I take my leave.  But if it is, can I not rent a room for myself, and a stall in the stable for my horse?  I assure you I have the currency, and I can pay in advance for the week I shall stay."


Shasa's brow furrowed in confusion, and a growing impatience began.  Hands on hips, she tried desperately to not lose her temper.  Glancing down, she saw her lab cocking her head with equal confusion at the silent innkeeper.  The comical expression brought a gale of laughter from Shasa, and when she again locked eyes with the stranger, it was with a bright smile.  She decided to try a different tactic. 

"Do you understand me?"

Silence once again.

"Oh, I knew it!  You simply speak a different language than I!  So," Shasa ran a single finger along the strong bicep before her, a gleam of pure seduction in her eyes, "I could tell you that you are a dastardly handsome fellow that I would love to pleasure in unspeakable ways, and you wouldn't understand a word."  Shasa flicked her finger off the arm and ran it over her full lips before shrugging and feigning disinterest. "Eh, your loss."

Finally, a flicker of a smile betrayed the solemn gaze of the silent one.

"Aha!" Shasa declared in triumph.  Meika barked in agreement.  "Now if you've finished playing whatever this game is that you so enjoy, will you please tell me whether or not I can have a room here?"

Lord something-or-other had finally told Shasa that the innkeeper, killian, was unavailable at the moment, and had kindly asked if she would like to wait in a more comfortable room.  When refreshment was understood to be part of the deal, Shasa was more than willing to exercise a bit of patience.  Although she really wasn't tired enough from her travels to retire for the evening, she had become parched and longed for something cool to drink.

Shasa sat at a small table against the wall with Meika at her feet, deeply asleep.  Drinking a liquid known as "root beer" she tried to remain in the shadows and simply to enjoy watching the other patrons.  One of the best things about traveling the world was to observe those that inhabited it.  You could learn so much if you just paid attention.

Obviously, most of them knew one another.  There was an ease of movement and conversation that is known only between friends.  Casual touch was also freely expressed.  Shasa smiled.  It was a warm environment that she felt wonderfully comfortable in.  Perhaps it was due to the fact that most everyone there was female.  That was a rarity in most places, but the foreigner liked it very much.

It was kind of funny, actually.  The women seemed to either be muscular warrior-types, fine ladies, or quiet, almost painfully shy girls that wouldn't make eye contact.  In truth, Shasa had never seen a collection of individuals such as these.  It simply fascinated her.

"Would you like another?"

Shasa smiled at the young girl that was prepared to serve her more root beer. "That would be lovely, thank you."

A new mug was set before her, and again she was left alone to her observations of the room.  Hmm.  Shasa grinned at her latest realization.  Everyone was very good looking!  Shasa crossed her legs and decided this was indeed a very attractive place for one to take a holiday.

Shasa's mouth went dry and her eyes went wide.  Surely it was the drink!  The room seemed to have faded out, and time was barely crawling.  Shasa's dark eyes had fallen on a woman as she entered the room.  How could they not?  She was a vision, surely the most beautiful woman that Shasa had ever seen.  The foreigner found herself staring until the woman sat gracefully in a comfortable looking chair by the fireplace.

The friendly noises of the room suddenly came rushing back into Shasa's awareness, and she gulped a breath of air into lungs that had momentarily forgotten to perform their function.  Shasa nearly jumped out of her own skin when a wet tongue ran across her hand.  Looking down at Meika, she softly chastised the dog for scaring her.  Meika's response was to nose-butt her master, and wait for her ears to be scratched.

Shasa did so, but her eyes were trying to take in the beauty that was now mostly obscured by that damnable chair. She could see the woman was lean, yet had a powerful manner to her, which suggested that the body under the clothes was well muscled.  Meika was soon forgot, as Shasa tried to see more.

Shasa wasn't looking for the obvious.  She was looking for what had struck her so profoundly.  What was it about the woman that made Shasa want to…Shasa blushed.  Well, enough of that.  Shasa reached down to scratch Meika's ears once again, but the dog wasn't there.

Shasa looked around quickly.  It would do her no good for Meika to find mischief in this place before she even had a chance to secure a room!  Shasa's eyes lit upon the dog, and her heart stopped. "You little pile of shit." Shasa growled, as she stared at her hands.

Meika had decided to find out for herself just what was so fascinating about the woman by the fireplace.  She stopped within an arms length, and cocked her head to study her.  Seeing nothing but an ordinary human female, Meika put her nose in the air and began to sniff for abnormalities.  "Hrumph.  Nothing strange."  Meika turned her head and looked back at her master with irritation.  Then she barked, loud and deep. "This woman is just like every other woman!"

Shasa wanted to hide under the table, but she gathered her wits, and carried her drink over to the fireplace to offer her apologies.



End Part 1 by Shasa

Part 2 of Arriving - by Alison & Shasa

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