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Ministerios de Victoria

Praise God! Jesus is alive and changing lives in Costa Rica! In August we turned the church over to a precious family that was raised up and discipled in the church in Los Cuadros. Pastor Gerardo Vasquez and his wife Dora have a heart to pastor and to be used of God. The church there is doing very well and many new people have been visiting and several have made commitments to the Lord. Pastor Blake and Karla Andrews are doing a fantastic job in Lomas del Rio. Many people have been getting saved. The church is growing and many different ministries are beginning to spring up. The people are catching the vision. On October the 27th we had our grand opening of the new church in Coronado. We invited people from both of our sister churches to support us and we had an outreach the day before inviting many families from the community. We had an awesome service with the rapper Soldado and Karla Andrews ministering with singing. We made a call for people to accept Jesus and several came forward to give their hearts to Jesus. Halelujah! Since then it has been slow going but God is God and he will build his church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. Please keep these three churches and their pastors in your prayers. God bless you.


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Pictures of Los Cuadros
Pictures 1
Pictures 2
Pictures 3
Pictures 4
New church photos-Coronado