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BTS Skytrain in Bangkok Thailand

The skytrain in Bangkok is an elevated train arriving every 10 minutes or so. It covers a good amount of Bangkok and is cheap to ride. You can purchase a 10-ride pass for 250 Baht--that's about 63 cents per trip. A tiled pattern on the floor in front of the doors shows how you should allow people the middle area to depart the train, and board once they've all departed. If you look between the pillars you will see a station security guard whose job it is to ensure everyone's safety. Before the train arrives he patrols the yellow line. If you arrive at the change-over station and need to get to the other line, you'll always find that line's train waiting for you with open doors. They time it that way.
Quite a few westerners have found out about the skytrain and tend to be on their best behavior. Every seat gets taken and the leftovers stand. People who ride the train all the time don't even hold on while standing. They develop a surfer's balance.
What's interesting is that there's a sign that says something to the effect of "Please give seats to those in need" and I've seen the elderly and pregnant women given seats.
There were times when the train was completely packed, and everyone stood as politely as possible within the congestion. Will (foreground) was amused when he saw someone (a thief?) being chased by police at a market. He said the person was caught because he wouldn't push through anyone to get away, instead attempting to politely slide through the crowd.