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Coming up with me...

My Favorite Web sites

Well this is pretty much about what is going to be coming up in my life..stuff I'm doing..and what it yea.

October 4, 2002
Which is already past, but that was my homecoming, which was really great, the guys one the football game 47-7 and it was just a really fun night.

October 14, 2002
My sisters 20th b-day we are going out to eat and stuff, and I get out of school for it..lucky me.

October 25, 2002
A big Game between my school Lyons-Decatur Northeast and our huge rival Oakland-Craig Knights..we are going to win guys!! Seriously we have to! And the best movie ever is going to come out Jackass the Movie..gotta see it!

October 26, 2002
My friend Amber's 18th b-day. Happy B-day!
October 31, 2002
Why its HALLOWEEN, and what is better than going out with your friends into the country and looking for abandoned houses to go explore..well nothing..cept if your crush is coming..hehehe.

November 12, 2002
North East Husker Vocal Clinic..I get out of school for it..although i have to stay in a school all day till like 9 at night..but still. We go to Logan View this year for it..and we sing some pretty good songs for it..although practice is forever long..but still!

November 14-17
I go to Denver for FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America) its for National Leadership Conference..and our hotel is right across from a starbucks!! And I get out of school for that too hehe. yay. November is grrreeeeattt!!!!!

well thats the news for now, stay tuned for more......

Trixiegirl's music