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Welcome to LuckyCat

Happy Christmas

Who Is LuckyCat?

Has time stopped? Yes, actually. The site has been a little neglected. Stay tuned for an all-NEW redesigned website to celebrate LuckyCat's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

In other news: Other sites in the LuckyCat family are springing up. In fact, we will be moving to a new site in the near future. was taken (of course) so we are going to put the cat at a 26 degree angle somewhere in cyberspace. Stayed tuned for the link.

Last Update: December 1, 2003
Last Time the Webmistress Stopped By: December 1, 2003
LC Edition 120103

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Who is LuckyCat

DISCLAIMER: This site contains pictures and quotes that are about us and quite frankly, the stupid things we do. Therefore, the site's content is not intended to bring about the end of the world. If you can't take a joke or make fun of yourself then you have some growing up to do. I will continue to write and post what I please because we all need to laugh once and awhile. Don't take life so seriously; everyone on this site I consider a friend and would never do anything to hurt them. This, of course, does not include Colin Hemingway. Secondly, all material on this website is copyrighted. Yes, I am using graphics that do not belong to me, however, 98% of the photographs are mine. I thank all companies for their superb graphics in advance. Thanks, the webmistress.