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America Needs You, Mr. President!


    Wondering what was really hiding behind the stacks of textbooks, candy, student papers and projects piled precariously close to Mrs. Vanderburg's desk, you sneak around this paper mountain between classes during break.  The teacher's luscious basket of candy nearby magnetically pulls at your right hand, but as your fingers automatically wrap around a DumDum lollipop stick, your left foot simultaneously steps on your best friend's project. "Oh, no!  How stupid!"  You check for daintry size 6 footprint damage to the Maniac Magee book report poster and although it is no longer pristine, the foot print seems to add character and a touch of realism to the project.  You shrug, rip the wrapper from the DumDum, and chop on it greedily as you continue moving posters on your quest for the great unknown. Suddenly, as you are wiping the lollipop drool from your braces, it happens-- a dark void appears behind the posters that were leaning innocently against one section of bookcases.  "AHA!" you think--"Mother V should really be teaching magic tricks.  I think I'll just step into this dark, little space and do a disappearing act of my own for this period's social studies classzzzz..............
You wake up in Mrs. V's classroom, but it is silent.  The only sound you hear is that of Celine Dion singing "God Bless America" over the intercom.  "Perhaps I'm in a new type of detention...since I skipped social studies, I have to listen to this until I tell them I can't take it anymore."  Shortly thereafter, a woman enters the room...she looks familiar.  Yes, she looks very familiar and she should.  It was the Statue of Liberty...only human(not green),a living, breathing Statue of Liberty.  "So you found Mrs. Vanderburg's time portal to the Presidents,"  she sneered.  "Alas, poor Mrs. Vanderburg, she was so looking forward to making the world a better place through time travel.  Now it's up to you.  Only one person, once in a lifetime, can make one change in history to make the world a better place through the use of the President's Portal.  Choosing one late President to come back in time to advise the current President is a weighty task.  It was to be Mrs. Vanderburg's time in history, but now it can never be--for you have found this parallel place in the universe and must make the decision for all of your peers.  I hope you choose wisely.