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The Unknown

This page is currently dedicated to my talented skiing.

The Aldershot Fiasco
On two occasions before I left for Austria, I had skiing lessons on the dry ski slope in Aldershot. My only problem with skiing, is stopping. I went zooming into the boundary net and got tangled. I turned into the ski lift (I still say it's called a pommer), and caused a girl to fall off it, slip backwards and fall - she didn't mind. I then picked a fight with the ski lift - it tried to go up the slope without me. It practically dragged me up the slope, but I stayed strong and didn't let go. I can honestly say the ski lift came off a lot worse than I did. To end my lesson with a bang, I ski'd straight into a group of beginners, and knocked about five of them down.

The Real Thing
George G went mad...Naomi was normal...and Ali was, well, Ali. We put signs on our door to make Hanky Panky Frankie leave us alone, and made up an answering-the-door rhyme:
Welcome to the room of
Ali Pali
Rainbow George
Nunga Nay
And the Out of Control Skidooodler.
How may we be of service?
Damn cool, if I do say so myself. We got a bit carried away with the signs...stuck up arrows pointing to them.
Happy clappy as that may seem, I had a terrifying trip. On my first day I was placed in the 2nd TOP group. I went parallel down the slop, and nearly went onto a concrete road through a flimsy orange fence. Ali witnessed the whole thing, and was terrified. It looked like I was going to die. I'll never know how I turned (inches away from the 'barrier') and remained standing. I also got stuck under the chairlift twice.
That group seemed terrified of me. I knocked Mrs Griffiths over. My fellow skiers were afraid to go in front of me in case I knocked them over, yet were fearful of going behind me because I always seemed to lead them into danger...routes are hard to follow sometimes. The second time I whooshed down the slope parallel, I had to dive sideways to the ground to stop myself. Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Thompson took me away for a drink and agreed to let me move down a group (I'd asked them over 5 times). It was embarrassing being led off like that, but at least I was finally safe.
For the rest of the trip, I had a fairly relaxing time. I learnt how to stop, learnt how to not get stuck under the chairlift, and became a popular influence to my fellow skiers. Don't ask me why. I was in a great group - Nay and RG were there (Ali was in the advanced group).
Austria was by far, the best trip I've ever been on. Even catching a cold on the second to last day and having to share a bed with Ali didn't ruin it (two separate beds together). Appart from Ali stealing my pillow and attacking me with olbass oil, I was ok...though it makes me wonder what other people in our year (ie. Zara) got up to...

There is another ski trip to Austria next year, but I am not going as I'm scared. Skiing towards a flimsy orange netted fence at an uncontrollable speed is enough to scare me for life. I'll never know how I remainded standing, nor will I forget what it's like being stuck under a chairlift.