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How to not wet yourself
while on "The Ropes"

First, I'll explain what the Ropes are. It's an obstacle course suspended 50 or 60 feet above a bunch of rocks and trees. It only gets harder when you are tied to somebody else, so if one person screws up, you do too. Pretty scary stuff. First, you have to walk across a cable, but you have ropes to use as handrails. Then, you have 2 cables, on for each foot, and no more hand rails. Pretty scary. That's the easy part.

It starts to get really nervewracking when you get to the part when you have to walk across the skinny end of a 2 by 4 piece of wood. Eek, don't look down!. Then, it's the part when you walk across the ropes that are criss-crossed. I was alright during that first part of the ropes. Then, you get to the "Leap of Faith".

I was bawling my head off as I stood at the platform. In front of me was the "Leap of Faith". It would be hard enough to jump to the other platform, which seemed like it was a pretty far way away. How the heck could my partner and I get coordinated enough to be able to get a running start on a 3 foot wide platform, then leap the distance, and both make it to the platform. I didn't think I could make it, and I wasn't brave enough to try for a long time.

Then one of the leaders (I feel so ashamed for forgetting his name, John I think). Looked at me and asked me if I wanted us to ask God to help me have the courage to get across

NOTE: yes, this story mentions God, but you've already started reading so you might as well continue.

Anyways, I eventually got across, but the next day, I found something that could've helped me:

"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The Lord your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you."

Yes, that was found in the Bible, and it is so true. I have been through tons of scary experiences like that in my life, but now I know that I'm not alone. Even when I screw up (which happens often), God doesn't just give up on me. I don't want to be preachy or feel like I'm pushing vacuum cleaners on you or something, but I just want to tell you all about it. So, I'm not asking you to sell all of you're earthly possesions and go live in a monestary or anything, but if you are interested, or have questions, or just wanna argue with me about these things (haha), CLICK HERE. Cause I really like to talk to people about the "hard subjects" in life, and I hope that you will take advantage of that! Love ya!
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