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Age - I illegal?
Sexuality - Male
Date Of Birth - May 1, 1987
Ethnicity - 100% Filipino
Marital Status - boo-boo
Eyes - Brown
How heavy - 160 lbs or something like that.
Resides - New Jersey (856 area)
How High - 5 something.
Hair - Jet Black (or in Biology, "little brown strands that you can barely see"),
Spiked in the front.
School - Eastern Regional High School
Grade - 10th aka Sophomore, Softmore, Soapopera whatever.
Snack - Almost anything potato-ish, CHOCOLATE!!
Drink - Chocolate Milk, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, 7-UP, Iced Tea, & Powerade
Scent - Tommy Hilifiger
Birth Sign - Taurus for the west and Rabbit in the east
Family: Mom, Dad, 2 brothers, 1 sister (not related or adopted, long story), a dog who is like a sister, and 4 retarded fish.

Men________ Anthony C.
Paul P.
Trong N.
Jon SJ.
Marlon P.
"Sanger" C.
Anthony G.
Antoine S.
David C.
Christopher M.
Timothy B.
Timothy S.
Richard B.
Matthew C.
Anthony L.
David T.
Rafael S.
Colin F.
Micheal F.
Philip C.
Kevin M.
Jared S.

Women!!________ Abegail R.
Allison B.
"Christine" N.
Danielle R.
Leah N.
Phung N.
Amy B.
Michelle H.
Stephanie K.
Juanita P/G.
Brianne A.
Ellery G.
Harbor S.
Emily H.
Julie S.
Margaret W.
Michele P.
Micheline L.

Blood_________ My Family
Stephanie N.
Ateh Gemma
Ateh Trina
Denise V.
Justin D.
DiNg "Ja"(nelle) C.
"KuYa" Joshua C.
"DiNg" Khristine J.

My Name(s)
John-Paul Bollozos Señeres, JP, Jippy, J-Boo, John, Paul, Juan Pablo, Jay-P,
JPizzle, Bud, Budoy, Kooya, Dong,
Bing-Bing, Buddy-Boy, Budong, Silly Rabbit...

Works by JP $enereZ ©
[x] Just Perfect? [X] BuTu_ONE (Xanga) [X] PictureTrail [X] FriendTest

Dave Camp's Site
JRP Producshunz

JP SenereZ ©, 2001-2002
Updated: (Friday) September 6, 2002

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