Jon and Zach's Crazy Conversations

5/28/2002 The Girl From San Angles
5/28/2002 The Retard Hater
5/29/2002 Redneck
5/30/2002 3:53 a.m. Twigs Subprofile?
5/30/2002 4:59 a.m. The Cooter Book
5/30/2002 Billy-Bob Episode I
5/31/2002 12:31 a.m.Ummel's Mystery
8/04/2002 Attack of the Bible Geeks
8/04/2002 Zach Getting Threatened by a Boyfriend of a Girl he Insulted and I Need Some Shorter Titles
8/04/2002 Zach's Redemption
8/27/02 Harry Fogg Tries to Spell GroseGross

If you have any comments on your favorite IMs or any requests of people you would like us to prank email me or IM me.