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January 1, 2004
lol.. haven't updated in a while.. or at all.. lol
not bout to start now, so ill just post this quiz i jsut took k? k.

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
*ahem* that is all.

September 15, 2003

lol... im only ehre to post my quiz... :)
You poor poor thing. You're Squee. You are Nny's
unlucky adolescent neighbor. All you want to do
is have a normal childhood. But your parents
hate you, you live next door to a madman, one
of your friends is the anti-christ, you are
terrified or everything, and your teddy bear
Shmee tells you to do bad things. You are
almost certainly going to have psychological
problems in your later years. Good luck kid. Famous quote "SQUEE!!!!"

What "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" Character Do You Most Resemble?
brought to you by Quizilla
hee hee.. im SQUEE!!! :p *ahem* yes.

MArch 20, 2003

hee hee.. im NORMAL Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

February 26, 2003
saw this really cool site... to check it out click here.
updated shoutotus...added stuff to the stuff to do when ur bored thingy... and.. yup!

February 19, 2003
updated some shoutouts... ;) im nice.. u people cant deny it... im an angel... mwah... luv andrea's pic.. ill post it again:

February 17, 2003
hey.. business class.. finished everything.. bored.. :) saw lisa's site... she got me a banner *smiling* im happy today. I didnt even ask her to! aaawwww I feel so special... makes me wonder why she didnt sign my g-book... hhhhmmmm... i think ill talk to her today.... yes... i think i will... :) *burn's tone* excellent... :)

Feburary 3, 2003
Deleted the polls.. feeling nice today.. :) updated the shoutouts... for the most part... i feel so productive today.. :) yeh!

January 30, 2003
stole another pic from andrea.. this time.. im putting it on my site.. :p

talk bout having stuff in common.. ;p

January 28, 2003
exams are sssooo close to being over! and i need a new topic for my poll.. perferably one that isnt offensive.. :) arent i nice?

January 24, 2003
reset the poll.. Joyce and I had a little "fight" during lunch over the names :).. and im deleting the new poll.. too offensive.. SOMEone might get mad.. so out of the niceness of my heart.. im going to delete it. :) plus... i think the only one who voted was Joyce. cuz she inspired it... so im going to delete it.. before anyone's feelings get hurt.. Ill delete it next week.. ;)

January 20, 2003
shortened the site.. :) added a link cuz of Chris.. said he couldn't see the end of my site... :).. and i changed it.. aint i nice??

enter... but BEWARE! click the below pic.. to signify that i am cool. ;)
I'm ON FIRE!!!!!mwahahaha... burn baby burn! ;p