I love all of you guys!!! I can't believe we made it through the first year, we're a bunch of insane geniuses (some of us more so than others). If anyone has pictures they wanna put on here, email them to me. amanda_mck@yahoo.com

The adorable Kasia.....don't leave us.......I'm gonna put the same pressure on you that everyone put on me

And Kasia and Nicole....don't cry Nicole!!!! We have the WHOLE year next year.....save the tears for next June

Les belles filles de la classe de Francais. Oh la la

Yes Mike, we all want to kiss you too

The chicka squad...Dianna, Lara, Agnes, Genevieve and Robyn.........and Mr.Pasquantonio

Kavya and Riddhi....SMILE!! it's the last day!

Oh Brian, we all love that look....it could mean oh so many things...... wonder what's going on under that desk ; )

For some reason, this picture is yellow.......fits into the whole DEATH theme though, doesn't it. You guys need to get funny again, what happened to the hilarity???

Rob Rob Rob, what can be said about Rob? What's a taman? *whips*

Those diligent IB students, working away on the last day of school....except Alex ....smile Alex : )

Szymek A or Szymek B..... take your pick

The dreaded economics contest....everyone's feeling a bit nervous....I think Robyn's gonna have a nervous breakdown

WAKE UP AMANDA....you gotta do it for your team. (I wrote Y, but I MEANT X)

The reaction after a question.....I think Derek's team got that one.....Robyn looks disgusted.....

SuperGreek stretching, getting ready for his next challenge

The last group to compete....it's all up to these guys....what will happen????? And what IS Brian doing?

All the bus girls....our last bus ride of the year : (

Karen's birthday party the summer before IB.....note the lack of dark circles......

And now my party, yeah fuzzy pictures....

And the ugliness continues, what were we thinking people, what were we thinking??????

Remember the cake? I was gonna cry! "I came to this restaurant for one stupid reason, the CAKE, and they give me the wrong one!" (as you can see, Kasia's red from laughing at me, we're also apparently all asleep....but that's another story)



 This is the only full group picture that I have, so I'm leaving it full size. Check out the hair on me...and Karen's rabbit face...
It's just a lovely, lovely picture



Keep those pictures a-comin'