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[wolvie's hot box]

[Last updated: 9/02]


Welcome! I'd like to give you a quick explanation of this project and why it's so damn fun...

Well, we all know that Wolverine has been around for quite a while, no one knows for sure how old he is because of his mutation. He's been around, and accumulated quite a few friends around the world.

Recently, many of these friends have noticed his way with women and how they flock to him*cough cough HJEB cough cough*. These friends have asked Wolverine to set them up with bodyguards/companions to keep them company and take care of them. And they asked that these bodyguards be female.

The call has gone out--any of those that they are strong enough to be a companion to some of the world's fiercest, and sexiest, fighters come forth now.

Where Sassy and I come in--Wolverine asked us to seek out the women that we thought would be appropriate. Well, we know that any girl strong enough to lurve Wolvie would most likely be strong enough to handle a fighter--if you have experience with your replicas then that's better yet. Trust me, it wasn't easy to get these guys to trust us with finding them women...some words flew...

Funny thing is...Sassy and I were going to keep these sexy pieces of men for ourselves--buuuut then we realized we couldn't handle that much testosterone hanging around Castle B*tch permanently. Thus, we're allowing you girls to come get 'em. In a phrase...

[how to apply]
[see the men]
[see the mutants]
[castle b*tch tour]
[s & m]
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*We've been making and distributing the stuff wet dreams are made of since August 13, 2000*
[all material owned by Sassy & Mazzler 2000, no unauthorized reproducing]
