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peace love happinesspeace love happinesspeace love happinesspeace love happiness

Well what do you know...I've actually updated my website. :) Yes I know, it's been over a year since I've touched it, but I've worked hard on getting it reasonably up to date so I hope it is acceptable to those of you who obviously check up on me often! :) I can't believe I've actually had this site for four years now. That is crazy to me. So the past four years of my life are practically documented on here, except for stupid bravenet who deleted my guestbook! I was very sad about that. I hope you all remember the comments you had written before, they were quite lovely...and will rewrite them again so that I'll have them forever. If you love me you will do this. :) Hehe. Anyway, will try to keep it up better from now on. Take the quiz by clicking on the link below to find out what's going on with me at the moment. :) Love!*

Take my Quiz on!



Ich liebe sushi!

My Quote Page

Laura and I in the RV in South Padre on Spring Break

Some of my photography (be gentle..)

An aerial view of the University of Leeds :)

Carpe Diem.

And the person of the week is...

Pablo de la Hoz!

Pablo is my favorite Spanish person ever! I'm not exactly sure where or when Pablo and I met but we have been best buds ever since. Pablo is from Madrid, Spain and is in his final year of studying Business. Pablo is such a sweet guy and a great friend to talk to about anything. He makes me laugh til I turn blue and always makes me feel good about myself. He's always there with a smile and a hug, or even just a wave from his room across the street. I will miss you a lot, Pablito.

Past People of the Week


Song of the Moment:
Bullet the Blue Sky - U2

In the howling wind comes a stinging rain
See it driving nails
Into the souls on the tree of pain
From the firefly, a red orange glow
See the face of fear
Running scared in the valley below

Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue

In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum
Jacob wrestled the angel
And the angel was overcome
You plant a demon seed
You raise a flower of fire
See them burning crosses
See the flames higher and higher

Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue

This guy comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colors of a royal flush
And he's peeling off those dollar bills
Slapping them down
One hundred, two hundred
And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the mud huts where the children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street
You take the staircase to the first floor
Turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes into a saxophone
And through the walls you hear the city groan
Outside is America
Outside is America

Across the field you see the sky ripped open
See the rain through a gaping wound
Pounding on the women and children
Who run
Into the arms
Of America

Lissa's Cursors

Links that are important to me:

United for Peace and Justice
One.Org - The Campaign to Make Poverty History
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
The Christian Vegetarian Association UK
International Vegetarian Union
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

A Few of My Favorite Things

  • Smiles
  • Kisses
  • Talking
  • Funny People
  • Rainbows
  • Stars
  • Fairies
  • Hugs
  • Butterflies
  • A Good Book
  • Flowers
  • Laughing
  • Dancing
  • Friends
  • Music
  • Cuddling