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Welcome! You have reached Henry D. Hicks's Piarist School Student Council Campaign Website.|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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|||||Hicks for President
|||||Welcome to the Henry D. Hicks Piarist School 2002 Student Council campaign website. Here you can learn about the candidate,his recent accomplishments, the issues at hand, and how he plans to deal with them. You can also find out more about the Henry D. Hicks campaign team and its members. Henry David Hicks is running for the presidential office of the Piarist School Student Council. An aspiring political science student with scholarships to the University of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University, Western Kentucky University, and Berea College, Hicks possesses impressive qualifications for the job. Hicks wants to make the Piarist School better - not for the teachers, not for the parents, but for you - the students. His motto is "politics for the people". This motto is apparent in his campaign promises, which can be accessed on this website. Good luck to Hicks and his team in the 2002 campaign.

|||||2002 Kentucky Governor's Scholars Announced
|||||Henry D. Hicks, along with eleven other members of the Floyd County School System and Balin Loftus of the Piarist School, was recently named a member of the 2002 Governor's Scholars program. The GSP is a summer program for the elite of Kentucky's high school juniors - qualifications are based upon grade point average, extracurricular activities, and volunteer service. The participants take summer courses with college students. To further pursue his political aspirations, Hicks has chosen to take an introductory political science course, which is not offered at the Piarist School, along with a history course. Congratulations to all the winners of this distinguished honor.

|||||Campaign Speech #1 Repealed
|||||Henry's first campaign speech, "Go Ahead - Rip This One Down Too" - has been removed from the website due to some questionable remarks made that were unrelated to the issues at hand. A revised speech will be posted soon. Keep posted for the latest updates on the Hicks campaign trail.

|||||Hicks Officially Announces Candidacy
|||||Henry D. Hicks has officially placed his name in the running for the office of Piarist School student council president. After vigorous campaigning and the successful cookie "drive" held a day before, Hicks is quoted as saying "It's been a tough road so far, and we're not done yet. If elected I hope to serve the students in the most effective way possible". Stay tuned for more updates in the HDH campaign. Vote Hicks.