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Resources: Further, In-depth Reading

Who Have the Power will be published August 28, 2006.
364 pages
Bookshelf Press/WingSpan imprint
ISBN 1-59594-039-1
For information: contact

Allen, Paula Gunn. The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Tradition. Beacon Press. 1992.

Armitage, Susan and Jameson, Elizabeth. The Women's West. University of Oklahoma Press. 1987.

Beebe, Lucius Morris. Legends of the Comstock Lode. G.H. Hardy, 1950.

Benedict, Michael Les. The Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson. WW Norton and Co., NY. 1973.

Bergon, Frank, ed. The Wilderness Reader. New American Library, NY. 1980. Browne, J. Ross. A Peep at Washoe: Or, a sketch of adventure in Virginia City: being a new printing, conscientiously prepared, of the New York edition by Harper & Brothers, 1875. Lewis Osborne, 1968.

Burton, Sir Richard. The Look of the West, 1860. University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, Neb. 1963.

d'Amour Louis. Comstock Lode. Bantam. 1982.

Drury, Wells. An Editor on the Comstock Lode. University of Nevada Press. 1985.

Dangberg, Grace. Washo Tales. (out of print)

DeQuille, Dan. History of the Comstock Silver Lode and Mines, Nevada and the Great Basin Region, Lake Tahoe and the High Sierras (The Far Western Frontier). Ayer Co. (1973 reprint of 1876 original)

Downs, James F. The Two Worlds of the Washo, an Indian Tribe of California and Nevada. Holt Rinehart & Winston. 1966.

Egan, Ferol. Sand in a Whirlwind: The Paiute Indian War of 1860. University of Nevada Press, Reno. 1985 .

Fisher, Vardis. City of Illusion: a novel. Vanguard Press. 1949.

Glasscock, Carl B. The Big Bonanza: the Story of the Comstock Lode. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1931.

Goldman, Marion S. Gold Diggers and Silver Miners: Prostitution and Social Life on the Comstock Lode.University of Michigan Press. 1981.

Hopkins, Sarah Winnemucca. Life Among the Paiutes. University of Nevada Press, Reno, Nev. 1994.

James, Ronald and C. Elizabeth Raymond, eds. Comstock Women: The Making of a Mining Community.

Lavender, David Sievert. Nothing Seemed Impossible. William C. Ralston and Early San Francisco. American West Publishing Co. 1975.

Lord, Elliott. Comstock Mining and Miners. Howell-North. 1959.

Lyman, George D. The Saga of the Comstock Lode: Boom Days in Virginia City. Ballantine Books (Comstock reissue, 1973).

Lyman, George. Ralston's Ring: California Plunders the Comstock Lode. C. Scribner's Sons. 1950.

McDonald, Douglas. The Legend of Julia Bulette and the Red Light Ladies of Nevada.

Matthews, Mary M. Ten Years in Nevada, or Life on the Pacific Coast. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. 1985.

Nevers, Jo Ann. Wa She Shu: A Washo Tribal History. Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada. 1976.

Niethammer, Carolyn. Daughers of the Earth: The LIves and Legends of American Indian Women. Collier Books, NY. 1977.

Price, John A. Washo Indians: History, Life Cycle, Religion, Technology, Economy and Modern Life. Nevada State Museum. 1980.

Reich, Nancy B. Clara Schumann: The Artist and the Woman. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. 1985. Ross, Zola. Bonanza Queen: A novel of the Comstock Lode. Kessinger Publishing, reissue of 1949 version, 2005.

Schlissel, Lillian. Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey. Schecken Books, NY. 1982.

Stampp, Kenneth M. The Era of Reconstruction: 1865-1877. Vintage Books, NY: 1965.

Starr, Kevin. Americans and the California Dream:1850-1915. Oxford University Press, NY. 1973.

Stifes, TJ, ed. Robber Barons and Radicals: Reconstruction and the Origins of Civil Rights. Bakley Publishing Group, 1975, NY.

Stone, Irving. Men to Match My Mountains: The Opening of the Far West, 1840-1900. Book Sales (reprint). 2001.

Stratton, Joanna. Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier. Simon and Schuster, NY. 1981.

Trachtenberg, A. Democratic Vistas: 1860-1880. George Brziller, NY. 1970.

Twain, Mark. Roughing It.

Waldorf, John Taylor. A Kid on the Comstock Lode. University of Nevada Press.

Webster, Paul. Understanding the Sierra Nevada. Vol. 1, Nature. Webster Publishing, Austin, Calif. 1987.

Williams, George III. Rosa May: The Search for a Mining Camp Legend.

Williams, George III. The Red Light Ladies of Virginia City, Nevada.

Zanjani, Sally. Sarah Winnemucca.
