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Hello friends! Well, here I am making you guys a page. You should feel special...hehe...j/k. You are special, that's why I'm making a page for you all. Anyhow, there's going to be shoutouts, pictures, links, etc. So, feel free to browse around. Hope you enjoy this page as much as I have making it for you.


August 11 - 19 2001

In the summer of '01 in August, I took a trip to Chicago to visit my best friend Marylu. I've known here since 4th grade and decided to visit her. The last time I saw her previous to this trip was in the summer of '98, but before that, I haven't seen her for 8 years. I had a good time there. While I was there, I of course went to the tourist places, such as the Navy Pier, Sears Tower, Buckingham Fountain, John Hancock Center, and Six Flags Great America and many more places. Down below are few pictures from my trip.

Marylu and I_1
Marylu and I_2
Marylu and I_3
Marylu and I_4

Me & Jesse

John Shedd Aquarium

Douwntown Chicago


Down below is a mini gallery of pictures from Century Club @ Hollywood with my friends Natalie, Joe, and Natalie's co-worker. Hope you like them. I had a blast you guys. Sorry Joe that the "asian" girls were all snobby, but I'm glad to hear that you had fun around us. Hopefully, we'll be able to go clubbing together sometime again.

:::Century Pics:::


:::Vegas mini-vacation:::
August 29 - September 1 2002

What's up! I had such a blast. Thanks for making this a memorable summer vacation. I'm glad that I got the chance to meet new people and became friends with them. (Here are a few names that I remember; Jason, Travis, Mia, Adrian and Mark, sorry If I forgot someone else) It was fun going out 3 days in a row partying and drinking....and of course..taking pictures. haha. Hey Michelle, thanks for paying to get my belly pierced. Damn, it took me 2 years to finally get it done. thanks girl! LOL...hey Jason, I will never forget that dare!!! =) Haha...thanks for doing the dare with me. Hey Adrian, where's my chapstick? haha...j/k It's all time just buy me a drink(151...haha)..."alki" partner...Well, I'm in the process of getting the pictures developed so I can put them up. Please wait patiently for them, thanks! =) But here are a couple of pics from PhotoMania. Hope you like them. I miss you guys already!!

*~*~*~*Michelle & I ~*~*~*~*

Pose 1
Pose 2
Pose 3
Pose 4

*^*^*^MORE PICS*^*^*^

Shelle & I (just got my belly pierced)

Mia friendly pose


*^*^*^Pictures of more friends*^*^*^*

Kristal and I

Bonfire Pic

Me & Library Girls '02

Me & Old Library Crew '02

Christmas Day Group Pic w/ Aidan

Kristal, me, & JR

Me & Rio

Group Pic(memorial day '02)


~^~^~^~^Thanksgiving Weekend~^~^~^~^
November 29 - December 1 2002

OMG!!! I had such a great time hanging out with you girls. And I'm glad to finally see you Cheryl after not seeing you for 7 years. I'll never forget everything we did from remenicing from Middle School to looking @ Farb's yearbook; to seeing those people we said we wanted to find back in the day @ E Street Alley the following day.

You just wait girls...I will soon; one of these days start hanging out with David and Allen Harmon...!!! Then, you'll just have to come down to visit me all the time if you want to see David!...LOL!! I miss you girls already. As promised I'll try and take a trip to'll be a blast. And we have to take a trip to Chicago to visit Marylu, so all 4 of us girls could finally be together and hang out. Anyhow, Like I told you girls, I'm gonna post all / most pictures we took. Thanks for the memorable Thanksgiving weekend. Love you girls lots!!!

*^*^*^*^EXCEL PICTURES*^*^*^*^

Excel Pose_2

Excel Pose_3

Excel Pose_4

Excel Pose_5

Excel Pose_6

::::::Camera Pictures:::::

3 Amigas
Shelle getting ready
Shelle_I @ Mall
Shelle & Aidan

Cheryl & Aidan

Me & Cheryl


January 1st - January 21st 2003

My trip back to the P.I. with my mom was an amazing one and I will never forget it. The main reason why I went back was to celebrate my grandparents golden (50th) Anniversary. I couldn't believe that I got my dress custom made and I got to keep it. ^_^

I was honored to be the maid of honor in renewing my granparents vows. The picture on the right hand side is me in the wedding dress. OMG! I couldn't believe how much make up they put on me...they caked so much that I broke on the next day...I can't stand wearing make up....yuck!!! hehe...

I also got the chance to see all my cousins from both sides, especially the ones that I have never met before. I had a good time spending some quality time with my cousins. And I miss them all already. And believe it or not I am the oldest cousin on both sides and the youngest one is 3 years old! YIKES...that tells you how old I am getting. Anyhow, I'm going on a tangent. My relatives brought my mother and I to many places such as Villa Escudero; which is a resort, Mt. Samat; which is dedicated to the P.O. W. soliders during WWII, Hundred Islands; and YES there are 100 islands....that place is so gorgeous...water is so beautiful, Baguio; which is a city up in the mountains, and of course Manila. Oh yeah, and while I was there, I decided that I get a hair cut and change my image and get a new look. The picture is shown on the Main Page. I can't wait to go back next year to see them all again.

Well...that's all I have to say about Philippines. You're probably wondering where the pictures are at...well...I only got a few of them scanned at the moment...but I'm trying to finish the rest as fast I can. But enjoy the ones that are done. Hope you like and enjoy the pictures. =)

Mom, Auntie Vangie & I
Joshua (my other nephew)
Grandparents & I (mother's side)



Well well, here are a few shout outs to the few friends that I do have. If I have forgotten someone, I appologize; you are still in my heart and thoughts. It's impossible for me to write one out to everyone. It would take me forever. Also, If you are wondering how this friend of mine looks like, click on there name and a picture should pop up. Well...enjoy...Luv ya guys!

Hey Babe! What can I say? I just want to Thank You for being you and giving me the time of day. You make me feel special. I Love you very Much!!!

Hey girl! What can I say? Thanks for everything. I really appreciate that you bought me an airplane ticket to visit you. I had such a wonderful time. Hopefully, this will be an annual event. I'm glad that we've kept in touch after all these years. Damn..can you believe that we met at 6th grade camp and have been in touch ever since? Insane I tell you, but I'm glad that we are still friends. Well, luv ya girl! K.I.T.>>>T.C.C.I.C.>>>LOL....gosh, that was so HS..just wanted to make you laugh! See ya! Love ya!


Hey newlywed and mother to be...How's it going? Good I hope. Well, whenever you can, don't forget to send me pictures of your child. Okay. Well, as you can tell, I finally put up the pics from Chicago. I had a blast when I was there. Hopefully, there will be more trips to your place. Heck, I'll make an excuse and say I'm going there to see your child. =) I miss ya!! take care!!


It was great seeing / hanging out with you. I already miss you girl. We have to start taking trip to visit each other. Maybe next time, I'll go there for the weekend. K.I.T!!! Okee dokee! Love you lots!

Hey there! I know we haven't been keeping in touch lately since the both of us have been busy doing our own thing, but I just wanted to say thanks for being there for me when I need someone to talk to. I know we had our times when things weren't so well, but I'm glad that's over with. Anyhow, thanks for being the friend and kuya that you are to me. I really appreciate it. Good luck in whatever you do. Take care. Don't be a stranger, okay! Luv Ya!


Wassup! Sorry about the pic...that's the only solo pic I have of you. So if you want me to change it, you're gonna have to give me, thanks for hanging out when I was in Vegas. I just want to tell you that I don't have anything against..Dolly...Whatever you decide to do, all I can do is be happy for you. Okay. But I had fun at Vegas...thanks again for hangin' out. Love ya!


Hey girl! Gosh, I can't believe that we finally got the chance to hang out w/ each other. Also, thanks for bringing me along with your to Sean's BMX competion. I had a blast...and OMG...can't believe I got Rick Thorne's autograph. I actually put it in a frame. hehe. Anyhow, thanks for keeping in touch with me and being there for me when I need someone to talk to/ or needed advice. Anyhow, I miss ya girl! take care...

Well...I think I have concluded the shout outs. Sorry, once again if I have forgotten someone. I love you're still in my hearts and prayers. Keep in touch...Take care...


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