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Bensman and Mercer Memories

Who would have thought that our summer would have been filled with all of these happy memories considering all of the circumstances we both faced. Some of our events of the summer were Heidi's father's wedding, Heidi's 21st Birthday, B101.5, the VA Beach excursion, high dollar babysitting, walking adventures, a loss in the Mercer family, West By God Virginia, Buffalo, New York, 4th of July,  movie nights, Texas wedding, and chillin' with friends. We wanted to share our memories with all the people who missed out on our fun. We hope you enjoy!!! 


Heidi's 21st Birthday dinner at Kobes. Whasabee!!


Below are pictures of our summer experiences.  
Click here to view Heidi's college experiences so far this semester.  I am waiting for Mindy's dumb ass to send me some pictures so I can put hers up too.



Connected at the butt! We were a joint package this summer!

 Sexy girls! Mindy you have a dress on. Red underwear anyone? 

We really don't know what was so funny!


The birthday gang sitting in the sky box at the ESPN Zone in Baltimore for Heidi's B-Day.


More guests. Heidi really felt loved!! Thanks everyone. You are all the best!



Our friend Crystal and Heidi! Who would have ever thought these two would become friends. It was a high school thing.


Mas, I can't even find words to express how you make me feel.  Thank you for being there for me this summer and always, I couldn't have asked for a better friend. You are so special to me and I can't wait until I am 25. :)  I miss you! 


Heidi is demonstrating the sign for drunk!  Long Island Ice Teas are a no no for Miss. Bensman! Long story......


The Famous Four! Thanks for all the good times this summer guys, can't wait for the trip in the big outdoors! 



This is not how it was supposed to happen, but I am glad it did. I still can't believe you were the first to get married. CONGRATS Jamie, you are so beautiful inside and out! Enjoy the married life. Someday we will live closer together. I miss you and love you lots! 

I miss ya'll, thank you for all the memories, past, present and future.  Texas will always be home because of ya'll! 

My Texan Buddy! I miss you and how easy it was just to walk across the grass to you.  You are my bestest friend in the whole world!! Someday the distance won't be so bad! I love you Richard!! 


"I'm a bitch, I'm a tease, I'm a goddess on my knees!" Heidi doing a BJ shot while the rest of the ESPN Zone cheered her on. I am sure Beef was enjoying his seat.


Bradley and Heidi. I will always remember my first Sex on the Beach! Thank you so much for all the visits and convo. sessions. I will miss you.


Look it is Cindy, my freshman roommate!! I was having to much fun! Can we say drunk anyone?

Doing shots with Adam and Brad. Pucker rules!

Everyone is passed out except for Brad. Is that a beer we see in your hand Brad? You are in trouble now! Pinky swear! (Inside joke)

Look at these sexy singles!! Call 1-800-SEXY-BITCHES for more information. 


My Phil-pot! Thanks for all the abuse while I was visiting, it shows you still care about your Princess. I miss you more than you will ever know! 


We are RANDOM!!! What is on the ceiling David and Mark? 


  Is someone topless in the picture? Jackie is tanning and planning Heidi's wedding at the same time. 


What a bunch of Weirdos!! Tea anyone?


Sissy looks so pretty!


II can't wait for the red carpet Super Man!! I am so proud of you!  Thanks for my visit and getting me my Baris salad, left, right, left, left!!! Driving Miss. Mindy.  Come to VA!!! 


Don't Tina and I have nice form. This was the highlight of both Timm and Jon's night. Too bad the ass smacking didn't help me in winning the race.  


  Check out the cake. My cake kinda melted on the washing machine and what a mess. It's a cake that Mindy and I will never forget. 


   Now here is a group of smart people!! Heidi, are you wearing anything? "Take off your shirt"


Now, this is how I remember Jamie Anderson, all sweet and innocent!  Good Luck Mrs. Cain!!  

Erika, I don't even know where to start!! We always have a good time, I am glad I have you! Good pickens on the new guy :) Thanks for everything! I love ya!

Some of my Texas family!! What is that in the background?? A crotch rocket?? Vrrooom Vrooom!!! 


Swing your partner round and round. Trying to make Heidi puke Beef? Too bad Heidi didn't puke that night!  


Heidi got Ralph for her B-day! Spritz Spritz!!



Walkin the Lazer. Did you know that this dog shits 3 times and pees about 15 during a 45 min. walk. Bet you wouldn't find that information in a book! Hmmm. 


The last time we checked, our Walmart trip totaled 50 visits. Thanks Mark and David for the 1:00 a.m. escort to the white trash Walmart in Fred! 


The Mercer's only son, Wayne. Aw aren't they a cute couple. Thanks Wayne for reminding Heidi and I that there are still decent boys out there to love. 

Special Line 2. So many memories in the school section and in the card section where Mindy is in heaven.


Good times! 

Aw! Two of Heidi's greatest friends! What a cute couple they now are! 

Beach buns! "Jackie, I can't get my chair closed." We are rollin back to the crib with Trey later if you want to join us!


Who would have thought all four of us on the same couch at one time. We all started a "club" together this summer. For information about membership, please contact us. 

Best Friends Forever!!! Can't wait for this year. Seniors, 21 and on the prowl!! I love you very much!

Who's the daddy now? Brad is such a ladies man! Grrr!!



Mr. Mercer hard at work. Finally using his talents to do something different than picking on Heidi 24/7. Thanks for keeping it real! 


Mrs. Mercer's 25th Birthday. We wanted to thank you MOM for really being there for the both of us. You are a terrific woman and we love you!


The wedding to remember. What a sexy family!



Sad Day. Twelve years later, Squeaky is finally leaving us. Mr. Mercer's poor little hot rod. 


The Mercer's Farm in West Virginia. Check out the Weeping Willow. 


The Mercer's hard at work. This is their idea of a vacation, diggin a trench for pipes on their farm. Mindy is definitely hard at work. Good work Mercer!

We're better than you! Yum Yum. Shots!! Check out Heidi's shirt "Boys Lie." Can anyone relate to Heidi's shirt? We sure can!


"Lets go sleep in Adam's bed." This is a direct quote from Miss Mercer's drunken stupor. 

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me! I couldn't have asked for a better friend than you. My Red Head! I love you! 


We are getting old, friends are starting to marry. Mindy as a bridesmaid in Jamie's wedding!! And hey it is a dress I can wear again.  


Mindy and Heidi had a daily ritual of walking around Augustine and exploring model homes. Now Heidi always wondered why both her and Mindy would always get honked at as they walked in the development. Read My shirt, it explains it all.


This is our family portrait from June. Thanks for everything you have done for me. I am here for you whenever you need anything. Good luck with your senior year. SENIORS RULE! I LOVE AND MISS YOU!



Mindy had an internship with B101.5 this summer as a Promotions Assistant and in turn, found out what she really wants to do, work in  radio!  

Ya'll Come Back Now Ya Hear!!! Whatcha lookin at?

Click here to view Heidi's college experiences so far this semester.



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