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Sunday, 25 July 2004
Updates for July 25
I don't really have any updates, but I DO have a message for ya guys...

::Attention::- I really want to make some more dolls for the doll gallery. Only problem is that I am kinda busy this week and won't really have the time to make MANY dolls myself. So if you guys could go to the Doll Gallery 2 page and send me dolls that you made for the doll gallery for other people to use, that would be SUCH a great help!

Have a nice day!

Posted by amiga/dollzndollzcreater at 8:30 AM PDT
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Friday, 23 July 2004
July 23rd-UpdAteS
Hey! Sorry I haven't updated the site this past week. I was busy. But I have 1 update + some other stuff;

||NEW||- The Link page is now called "Other Sites". You will see no links there...BUT...I have my search engine. This search engine is incredible! I have found SO many other doll sites which I think you will enjoy so go check that out!

::Comment::- I would rEaLLy appreciate it if you guys would take my poll/vote. There are two and it will take like 2 minutes all together. Thanks!

*Coming Soon*- more items for one of the doll makers. I don't know which one yet cuz I am letting you guys decide. The question is in my poll so go take it so I know which one to update! Thanks!

.Have an AwEsOmE day.

Posted by amiga/dollzndollzcreater at 8:24 AM PDT
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Thursday, 15 July 2004
Updates for July 15th
Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying some new features that I added to my site...+ I have added A LOT more!

//New\\: A new page called Vote/Polls. I have a poll and voting page waiting to be taken! If you take them, it is a great help to me!

||New||: The page Doll Request 2. This page has the dolls that you have requested me to make. Usually I would e-mail you, but my attatchment for my e-mail hasn't been working lately.

//New\\: The Vote 4 Me page! If you like my site, clicking on the icon will give me a vote for the particualr top list I am on. If you're a sport, you'll click on them all! hehe

-NOTICE-: On my main page, there is an white box with a red 'x' in it. The logo isn't showing up and all it is, is another vote for me icon so click it!

*Coming Soon*: A Link page. That is why it is empty. For now use my search engine! I have found great doll sites using it!

Posted by amiga/dollzndollzcreater at 10:06 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Updates for JULY 14
Hey everyone! I have added a few new things to the site, but before I get to that...i have just started to make dolls you may have requested from the doll request a few days ago to 6 months ago so you should be recieving your dolls in the next week or two.

New: A new page called "Search" has been added. It's a great search engine to find what your looking for. + if you have your own's a great way to make some extra money.

New: A new page called "Chat Forum" has been added. It is exactly like a message board, so feel free to post about anything you want there!

NOTICE: The Friendship Chain e-mail has been changed since the last one was not working for me. If you sent any friendship sqs. to me in the last 6 months, I never got them so send your sq. to the new e-mail. thanks


Posted by amiga/dollzndollzcreater at 11:33 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 13 July 2004
New items for...
There are new items that have been added to the prep cartoon doll maker. The following list tells how many of each item has been added to the doll maker! About time...i know!

Wings: 6
Dresses: 19
Hats: 9
Belts: 8
Shades: 3
Skirts: 17
Pants: 36
Tops: 46
Shoes: 14
Sayings: 5
Sparkles: 5

Posted by amiga/dollzndollzcreater at 2:27 PM PDT
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Monday, 12 July 2004
Hello everyone! This thing i am typing in is called a blog. I will be listing meany events, changes, new items and etc. that will be added to the site. I may post off topic stuff too. Feel free to comment on any changes or anything i say! Thanks and enjoy my site!

Posted by amiga/dollzndollzcreater at 8:41 PM PDT
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