[ Bio ]
[ Meni's Motor ]
[ Meni's Bitches ]
[ Meni's Diary ]

Hey Peeps, the Menimaster hath returned =)

Since I'm on this crazy Web-Design course, thought I may as well get some work on this here web page done up a bit, got some cool ideas and stuff. Feeling a tad creative now that all the bloody coursework is finished with =)

I'm fine and well, chillin' with the web-geeks here in Blackburn College. There's me, Ad, Colin and of course, the ever Big-Pimpin' James Chu!

Got my biatches up now, go look at their ultimate sexyness.

I'm now going to rock out to Rival Schools in a Science lab.


To see the kind of menial crap I have to do on my web design click [here]. Fun...