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Respiratory Care Practitioners Class of 2003

Respiratory Care Practitioners 
Class of 2003 
On our page you will find important 
messages to each other,
inspirational messages to keep us going, 
question help, and sometimes,
just something to make us laugh.

We have been brought together as classmates, 
but we will leave here as professionals,
coworkers, and friends.

Welcome back to our last semester!
Did yall think we would really make it??

Get your raffle tickets sold!
Valentines day is just around the corner :)

Respiratory Club Meeting~Jan 27, 2003
Student Gov't Meeting~Feb 4

Don't forget to be working on your
essay for the Student Essay Contest

Just a couple links

RT Magazine~The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners
Listen To Breath Sounds
WSRC Student Essay Competition

Our Ground Rules

  • Attendance
  • Be Prepared
  • Participate
  • Be clear on expectations
  • Treat one another with respect
  • Listen to one another
  • Be open minded/flexible
  • Positive Attitude
  • Commit to yourself, your team, and your learning
  • If you have questions...ASK
  • Seek understanding

Remember yall, only 
days 'til graduation!!!!!