derelict- adj., n.
-adj. 1 that which has been abandoned; forsaken; deserted

'the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddy with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows
the government is corrupt and we're all so many drunks
with the radio on and the curtains drawn
we are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
and the machine is bleeding to death'

Hello. My name is Chance, and this is my webpage.

Now, my page is nothing special. It is your ordinary page, about things that only I could think are cool, because I wrote them. Often I try to make a page about everything, and that is not only impossible for me, as I am incredibly lazy, but it makes everything that much more crappy. The more you do, the more you have to spread out your effort and attention. So, the solution to my constant problem was to gut the whole page and add a touch of the ol' simplicity.

'the skyline looked beautiful on fire'

You will not find a page of stats here, or anything similar. What you will find is a collection of my creations, be they stories or poems or music. I would like to make a page that everyone would like, that is about everything under the sun, and one I could be happy with. As none of that will happen, I won't waste energy on it. I figure that if people want to know something, they can ask me. It leaves less to update, and therefore less time I sit here trying to do HTML code. The design is simple as well. No Java, no frames, no MIDI crap, except for a few sounds (or maybe more than a few, but I doubt they'll slow you down much, I try to keep them small), just to keep things somewhat interesting. I don't use many pictures either, since I have a slow connection, and I want to keep no one waiting for an hour just so they can see crappy pictures.

As far as introduction goes, that's about it. So, feel free to poke around. Oh, and by the way, thank you for visiting. It makes me happy.

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All stuff ©2000-2001-2432 Chance Goulding (me), except for quotes, which are usually with the author, and all quoted lyrics on this page from godspeed you black emperor!, the song 'Dead Flag Blues'. Check them out. Also, the sounds aren't mine, but I use them anyways.