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A Collaboration of Poetry

You asked for it, now you've got it--
an opportunity to have your poems published on-line.


Scott's Words National Motto

We are a nation of excellence.
We are a country that will conquer evil.
We are a nation standing firm on its principles.
“We are a United People that will not be divided.
We are loyal, bold, strong, proud citizens of the U.S.A.
We are a society that will not give into terror of fear.
But will rise up in faith, hope and love.

--Scott Ashby
Written 09/91, Copyright 08/06

Our Son, David, was shot in the neck in July of '06. He is doing awesome. He was shot during a battle with insurgants in Afganistan. He is a walking miricle, and prayers were answered. God is awesome!

This motto is printed on a plaque hanging in the Mall of Georgia. It has been recited on radio stations in both Georgia and Tennessee and has gathered interest from gospel singing groups, military members and even the staff at major department stores. These words were also read at First Baptist Wordstock on June 24, 2006 and got a standing ovation during the 4th of July Celebration that Governor Purdue was in attendance at.


While I am sitting here in my bedroom,
Thinking about my life,
I just think it is time for me to say goodbye friends.
I'm glad you stayed until the end.
I hope that you enjoyed the times when we were friends.
Though I know I'll be back again.
Just sitting here thinking about all the things I've done.
Until we meet again, just think of me, and I'll think of you.
It was easier to say hello than to say goodbye.
Now I am leaving once again. I bid farewell to you.
I'll remember the good times we had together.
And the tears we shared when times were bad.
Because you were there when I was down.
I know that I will not ever forget
What was written and what was said,
And who was there when you weren't.
It's time to say that, that was then.
Say goodbye and ciao, my friend.
You'll always have a place in my heart.
Because people will come and they will go.
Can things change? Only God knows.
I hope that you will still be there for me.
I know I'll be there for you.
Never forget the good times we shared with each other.
I am saying farewell to all.

--Jessica Frye
(C) 11/97
19 years old
Powder Springs, TN

The Garden

A garden needs cared for with love.
There are different types of love.
For instance a love where you can just care about what happens to them,
Which is often mistaken for true love.
Which is a love that will last for a lifetime and it is a commitment.
Then you have the type of love for parents, family, friends,
Which is just there to care for them and be there when needed.
Be careful for what type of love you apply
It's your garden.
If it isn't right, it will die or grow bitter and full of hate.
What you sow, you will reap.

--Jessica Frye
(C) 11/97
19 years old
Powder Springs, TN

Those Clouds

Going along life's highway,
Can dreams carry you through?
The days are often cloudy,
But the sun has to shine sometime.

Those clouds have got me down again,
Making my eyes rain down tears.
Nothing seems to go my way.
Just feeling lost again.

Can't always face those clouds.
Gotta be carried through.
It's then I say a prayer
And somehow make it through.

Some day I'll overcome the clouds,
But not till life is through.
Going along life's highway,
The sun has to shine sometime.

--Jenna Greene
(C) 1985

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