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The Sailor Team’s Sailor Moon Renaissance!

Brought to you by Serena and Amy! The Sailor Soldiers of Crystal and Ice!


To the Sailor Moon Renaissance! A place where you can let loose, escape your worldly troubles, and bask in the shimmering glory that Sailor Moon bestows upon us all! Please take off you shoes, grab your favourite beverage, and kick back, while we guide you on a magical journey through the world in which evil is punished in the name of the moon!

Please feel free to roam, for everyone is accepted in this, the Moon Kingdom. But, please, if you decide to use one of our articles, pay tribute to us, for we work oh so hard on this page. Thanks!

*Ok, does anyone know why Ed, Edd, & Eddy is taking Sailor Moon's place on Cartoon Network?? Email us to let us know!!!*

MONTHLY SAILOR MOON SAYS: It's summertime everybody! I suggest laying by the pool and eating a huge Klondike bar! Another irresistable activity is playing video games with a glass of lemonade on a hot day!! Happy summer!

I adopted

MERCURY Adopt one!
I adopted

MOON Adopt one!


Helpful Homework Hints

(Sailor Moon Says: “Also known as Completely Unrealistic Studying Rules that Could Only Be Followed By A Human Calculator.“)

Created for the textbook-challenged by your friend, Amy

Tip No. 1: Never Procrastinate

Waiting to do something until the last minute is BAD! This unacceptable behaviour is punished by stress and panic at the due date of the project. The result is a slapdash, shoddy piece of work that deserves no better than a 70%. It’s much more successful to finish homework the date it is assigned, and outstanding grades are guaranteed if you put schoolwork before other trivial matters.

Tip No. 2: Estudio Mucho! (And master a second language.)

Let’s get realistic here- no one has time anymore for such meaningless things as spending time with family, eating and sleeping, or having friends. The only way to achieve true success as a human is to STUDY STUDY STUDY! Bury yourself in books (and I do mean this quite literally). Learn how to hide and camp out in the library- librarians never check the Quadratic Mechanics section before closing! And, finally, using all your time to “study” the human reproductive system does NOT count, pervert!

Tip No. 3: Never Trust Your Memory

No, I do not mean cheat! (Even though I do find the writing-on-inside-of-hand-in-code technique to be quite effective…how do you think I get such great grades?) Never, never EVER trust your brain cells to do the remembering- this will only result in that horrible feeling that you have forgotten something but you can’t remember what. Everything your teacher mentions, everything you read, everything you observe should be taken into careful consideration by copying it down in a handy dandy note notebook. In fact, I even expect you to be copying down these homework hints at this very instant!

Congratulations, you have survived through the few yet powerful homework hints. I expect you to use your newfound knowledge and genius for good. Now, fly, FLY, my little nerdlings!


How To Be A Serena Clone

Hey all you devout Moonies! I’m Serena, and I’m here today to teach you everything you need to know to be exactly like me! This is a tough road to travel down, and requires the utmost perfection, or else all is lost, and nothing will have been worth it. With that said, lets get started!

Step 1- Believe in Yourself- You’re all that and a bag of chips!

Why? Because you want to be like me, you’re totally chic, you have dreams (even if you haven’t realized them yet), and you can do anything you want (even if you get busted for it)!! Plus- where would I be if I didn’t believe in myself during the huge battle against Queen Beryl of the Negaverse?

Step 2- Be a Totally Lazy Person

You will go far! Just imagine what a happier life you’d have if you concerned yourself solely with chocolate chip cookies, no homework, and lazing around on the couch!

Step 3- Always Be There For Your Friends

That’s definitely one of my many mottos! Stick to that, and you’ll be almost as popular as I am! And if you’re concerned that your current friends won’t return this favour, relocate now! Finding new friends is easier than you may think! Just look for someone who you know from one of you classes, and ask if you can chill with them at lunch, on the weekends, whenever. Because good friends are hard to find, don’t expect to find the perfect one the first time you try! And if you already have awesome pals, let them know you care everyday!!! You never know when the enemy may show up and detach you from them for a while!

Step 4- Grab Yourself a Great Boyfriend

Yes, yes, I know. I have THE perfect boyfriend, but not to worry, you can find one, too! Sure, just as finding good friends takes time, so does finding your very own Tuxedo Mask. But what fun would the catch be without the chase?

Step 5- Love Food

Oh, food! How easy it is to love food! All you have to do is eat one thing to love food! Sweet foods are my favorite, but I have to watch my weight with how many I eat, as should you! Experiment with new foods and never be afraid to try new stuff, the worst that can happen is you’ll puke, but then you’d have more room for more food! And see if you can find a good, loyal friend who can bake awesomely!

Step 6- Acquire Everything with Bunnies on It!

Obviously, Bunnies are completely and totally CUTE. They just are awesome fuzzy little creatures! If you own things with bunnies pictured on them, you too will be considered cute. Do you see the upside here?

Step 7- Learn To Excel……At Video Games

I love video games! What’s more awesome than coming home from school and playing the newest Sailor V game? Ok, for all of us in America, its more like Zelda (which is, by the way, one of my favourites!). Please understand that video gaming takes skills so practice, practice, practice!

Step 8- Freak Out When You Find Out That A Geek Has A Crush On You

Ok, so who really likes that anyways? But I really flipped when I discovered Melvin’s fondness of me. Remember to be politely freaked, because (as I will state in Step 9) its important to be nice to everybody.

Step 9- Have A Big Heart

I’m constantly told I have a big heart, even by the likes of Prince Diamond. I think its important to be kind, but you must BE kind for the simple reason that you ARE kind. Because who likes a phony? And plus, if you’re mean to everybody, no one will love you for the super heroine that you truly are. I know it may be hard to be nice to everyone, but lots of times those who you think are mean turn out to be really sweet.

Step 10- Congrats! You’ve Reached The Last Step: Always Be There To Defend The Innocent

Because you should now have a badge in BeingSailorMoonOlogy101, you should know enough to protect those in trouble. Even if its just some schoolyard bully stealing a computer nerd’s lunch money, use your moon power and help that nerd! Make sure that you do this in the genuine Sailor Style (please see our article on “Sailor Style”, below, for more info) and give the bully an earful. But never forget that you should TALK IT OUT first! And don’t turn into the attacker, most schools won’t take that too well.

Some Final Words

Now that you know all the 10 steps to becoming me, go out there and become me! I know you can do it! But don’t forget to be you, too. Because I know you’re awesome! Sailor Moon says, see ya! *^_^*



Sailor Style

Hidey-ho! This little article will show off the style, and by style we mean both fashion and personality, of each Scout! Let us get started!

Serena- Sailor Moon

Serena has the classic attitude of a blonde with a pure heart. She’s intensely ditzy, yet genuinely caring. She’s carefree and always defends those in need, even if it interferes with snack-time. She’s a bit of a whiner and sometimes reluctant to follow orders, but always shines through in the end.

Timeless Line: “I’m Sailor Moon! The Champion of Justice and sworn enemy of the Negaverse! And that means you!”

Best Outfit:

Amy- Sailor Mercury

Amy has the style of a working yet hip girl. Her personality is peaceful and logical, with a little zest sprinkled here and there. She is constantly amazed by her own ability to learn new things, and is often engrossed in a book or some other form of new information.

Timeless Line: “Serena, stop playing video games and STUDY!”

Best Outfit:


Raye- Sailor Mars

Raye is the ill-tempered scout. She is often frustrated by measly things and blows them out of proportion, which constantly contributes to Serena’s wailing. Raye holds mysterious powers and that often gives her her mystical aura. Although some may describe Raye with some not-so-nice words, she’s actually a kind and caring Sailor, just like the rest of ’em.

Timeless Line: “Now I figured out why you have meatballs on your head, Serena! It’s to go with the spaghetti inside!”

All Apologies this section is still undergoing heavy construction Please proceed to the images Below


With Annoying Little Subtitles Written For Amusement, By Us

(The part of the page that will cost you a lot of memory chips)

Disguise Power! I hope my hair looks ok!

Acck! I think I may be allergic to feathers!

Dontcha think my scepter resembles a two-eyed alien here?

I just knew that darn rain would ruin my hair today!

Hey! I can see my bangs from here! Time for a trim!

*sniffle sniffle* I can't afford the bill for my pet rock's shots.

Do you have the answers to my math homework?

Aaaah.. My armpits smell fresh today!

Oh no! 'Tis the attack of black water!

Luna: Whoa! Amy has split ends!



You Know You Watch Too Much Sailor Moon When

You constantly obsess over video games

You always want a chocolate milkshake, even when you’re totally full

You try to find black cats, then paint a yellow crescent-moon on their foreheads

Whenever you have to leave you shout in a cheery voice, “I’m outtie!”

Your lines of reality sometimes blur and for one brief instant, you actually believe you’re a Sailor Scout

When challenged to a fight, you shout: “Excuse me! I’m the Champion of Justice and I will vanquish over evil in the name of the Moon! And that means you!”

You ask librarians where the history on the Moon Kingdom books are located.

You proceed to yell at the librarian that there is such a place as the Moon Kingdom after she tells you you’re insane and there’s no such books in her library.

You draw a crescent-moon on your forehead in black-light pen before going to a black-light party.

You beg your mom for red-star earrings.

When you come in contact with someone who’s sick, you point a finger at them and shout, “Moon Healing, Activation!”

Please check back regularly as we will constantly add more to the list!

ALIGN="CENTER">Well, that is all for now!

Please email us if you wish to voice comments, concerns, questions, or simply long for some sort of human contact.

Reach us at:

Adopted Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
was adopted on May 26 2002
Click to Adopt!

Adopted Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mercury
was adopted on May 26, 2002
Click to Adopt!

Feel free to link us using this handy dandy banner! Long live the Sailor Moon Renaissance!