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Briana's Page

Hey everyone, welcome to my site! Hopefully you will find it enjoyable - regardless, you are about to read a lot about, what else, ME of Anyway, my name is Briana, and I am a 22 year old college student, about to graduate from Marshall University in West Virginia with my BA in Psychology. What I will do with that degree I'm not so sure yet >< Besides, my plans have changed because of something really special that has happened to me - I just found out that I'm pregnant! When you are faced with this sort of thing your whole outlook on life changes, in a good way.

Anyway, so what is there interesting about me? For starters, I recently acquired my 1st Dan (degree) black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Here is a picture of me at my very first test. If I ever find some, I will post pictures of my black belt test.

My Favorite Sites

This site has some hilarious stuff! You should check it out.
Get yourself some free samples.

What do I do in my spare time?
