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To The Loon Land!
Who's the man...not me, as I am a woman

A plan has been unhatched by my sources (Nunga Nay and Rainbow George) to staple any other smelly people at the armpits. You have been warned - wash frequently, uphold good hygine, and please, oh please, WEAR DEODERANT.
In my opinion, this plan should include mouths too, as some people just don't seem to know when to SHUT THE HELL UP.

My Agency
If there's a mystery you want solved, consider it done. Leuitenant Lizzi will get evidence, and stop at nothing! Really, I won't, I hid behind pillars and jumped out from corners to photograph a 'fit' retreat bloke for Miller George.

My New Investigation: Simran The Murderer

Observe the above photo. Is it simply 3 girls at a sleepover having a laugh? Or is it evidence that a murder took place?
Simran (the girl with the devilish pitchfork) attended a sleepover hosted by me (the horrified wittness). She knew Ali (the victim) would be attending. She probably saw my pitchfork as a weapon, and took the chance.
However, there is still a lack of proof. It is very hard to proove Simran a murderer - especially when her victim is alive and in good health. And of course, I'm the only wittness. Daffornielle is partly visible in this photo, but she was unaware and saw nothing. Naomi, Kalpa and Tricia could have been wittnesses, but Tricia and Kalpa were sleeping and Naomi was doing her hair.
This investigation will be continued. Any finger prints will be magnified, any suspicious remarks recorded and any snickers bars eaten. Good Day.

The latest on Daffornielle
You may have heard this strange critter is afraid of bugs. But did you know she's also scared of moths? Now you do.
When target x was in the bath, she saw a moth. She screamed several times, before jumping out the bath, and running amok. As I have said many times, this whelped being is most unpredictable. One minute she'll be yelling at you about a prey mentus in her shoe (it was all cute and yellow), the next minute she'll be telling you that shiney objects have shadows, not reflected light. Lordy.
The latest on Daffornielle is her art work - which, it has to be said, is very impressive. Her self portrait is quite like her (except her colouring isn't really rainbowy) and I especially like her mask - very Phantom Of The Opera...DA DA DAA!

Speaking of the devil, who might come near (but speak in a whisper, she's got a big ear!), Daffornielle has also started calling me Liliputian, and is insisting that I investigate a very important topic; what comes first, the chicken or the egg. This was a very intelligent suggestion (don't be shocked, it's not that unusual) and I'm starting right now as I type. Let's view our knowledge:
When Charlene's "canaries" (they're blatanly budgies) layed eggs, it showed that with canaries the bird comes first. This could also apply to chickens.
In the Bible it says God created animals. It doesn't mention any eggs.
So what comes first? The chicken or the egg. It's highly debatable. As my Grandma is very well known in Pavenham's Debating Society, I will get her on it right away. I will also interrogate Charlene about her canaries sex life, and will experiment with an egg I found in the fridge earlier.