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About me and my sites


Name: Toni aka Black Pearl aka Bonnie (don't ask)

Age: 18 years

P.O.B.:Milford, DE, USA

Fave quote: Not appropriate enough, you'll have to settle for "Something draws near...I can feel it." by Legolas.

Contact me: wanna contact me? go here

!*!My Sites!*!

Black Pearl's Shell is my main site. It links to my other fan sites but has it's own games and fan pages and more.

Blood Red Vengeance Formally known as Red Armor Fire. I've completely redone the site.

Dream Faze is my Legolas shrine, dedicated to the ever popular LOTR archer.

Alternate Universe is my forum based website about the unusual, with pages for the Twilight Zone, X - files, and Outer Limits.

Sheer Bliss this site is brand, spanking new. It's a Duo fan site, for my tied anime fave, Duo Maxwell.

*****Coming Soon******

I'll be moving my current sites and openning new ones. Check back soon for details!

contact me!