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Species: Egyptian Rousette - Rousettus Aegyptiacus American Zoo Image and Information

Misc. Details: Albino; Very near-Sighted, requiring glasses much of the time; Enjoys caves and tunnels more than anything else; Formerly owner of a night club that went under, she was sold into slavery as her club went into debt; Her only living relative is her mother, who doesn't know where Irriel is, and unknown to Irriel her mother has become a slave as well in hopes of finding her daughter. (Irriel is the original albino fruitbat, I'd appreciate it if you at least give me credit if you decide to rip-off my character.)

OOC Information: I'm a lesbian, Irriel isn't but I enjoy her being used as one by owners. I often turn down slavers, so don't feel bad if you don't live up to my rigid standards for Irriel's owners.

Here are some pictures if the small description aloud by furcadia isn't enough.

This image was done by Ayumi-Snowe, her page can be found at Ayumi's Art at

This image was done by Athene, her page can be found at

Here is a picture Shot did for me in one night! You can find his work here at Shot's Art at VCL.

I'd like to thank all of the artists for their generosity in both time, and effort