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Name: CarolE-mail:
City: LiverpoolCountry: England
Homepage: Date: 12-Sep-2002 19:03:58

As a Mental Health Manager I have always firmly 
believed that the most valuable education in 
Mental Health comes from the people who know 
best....those who suffer from Severe and 
Enduring Mental Health Problems.

My team and I are due to be working with an 
adult diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. I know 
we have much to learn.

Thank you Kevin for giving me my first real 
insight into this condition. I have found your 
website informitive and interesting.

There are a couple of questions that I would 
like to ask (hope you don't mind)
What do you feel has helped you most?
How did it help?

Name: Melissa BEE E-mail:
City: QueenslandCountry: Australia
Homepage: 11-Sep-2002 18:39:30

Hi there Kevin, you will find a mail from me in
your  mailbox. Sorry for the delay, we have had
some major (and expensive) hardware problems
after a bad storm here took out our server. Your
site is looking good, you've won an award since I
was last here, keep up the good work. Best wishes
from Oz, Melissa BEE (HunnyBee) 

Name: Glenn & Di BanksE-mail:
City: BrisbaneCountry: Australia
Homepage: Date: 25-Aug-2002 07:57:50

Thank you for putting together and sharing your 
experiences on ur homepage. We are the parents 
of three girls, one of which has just been 
diagnosed AS. She was previously diagnosed ADHD. 
we have struggled through seven years of 
different treatments, medications and 
peadiatricians,all with variing degrees of 
success/failure/frustration. We found ur site highly informative. Thank U again.

Name: EAkpinarE-mail:
City: Country:
Homepage: Date: 25-Aug-2002 01:50:38

  When I was 3 I was diagnosed with Aspergers', 
and my parents didn't tell me about it until I 
was in 7th grade. Before that I always knew I 
was a bit different from others; I went through 
the teasing which gave me severe depression. 
Interacting with others can be difficult still
(I get tense, and figity easily in social 
situations). Despite the burden that AS can 
bring, I have successfuly graduated, have good 
freinds, & will be attending college soon. It 
is my mother whom I must thank; without her 
support & endless patiense, my life could be a 
realy messed up.

Name: LeonoraE-mail:
City: VancouverCountry: Canada
Homepage: http://www.naturallyautistic.comDate: 23-Aug-2002 23:49:48

Hello Kevin,

It's been a while since we connected. I  love 
your site :-)

Just a note here for one of your guests:

"I was diagnosed at 35 years and was so relieved 
to find out that there are others in the 
world "like me". My son and I were diagnosed 

For you and your guests: WE are in Canada and if 
you'd like to chat with some of us adults and 
who are parents, please feel free to join

Our next online discussion group is tomorrow, 
saturday at noon our time, about 8pm English 


Name: LeonaE-mail:
City: Country: US
Homepage: Date: 20-Aug-2002 15:18:05

I'm signing because I'm 99% sure I have AS. I 
have a four year old son daignosed with Autism
(kanner type) I apreciate you web site because 
it informs people of how a person could be 
autistic even though they seem normal enough to 
the naked eye. Also to back up a point you made 
if you want a correct diagnoses you should find 
a psycologist who has studied autism related 
stuff. Otherwise you could get any number of 
mis diagnoses. I have been miss diagnosed with 
ADHD & I'm now 99% sure that isn't my problem. 

Name: TonyE-mail:
City: CardiffCountry: Wales
Homepage: Date: 13-Aug-2002 16:24:46

I've been looking at a lot of sites on AS 
recently, as I believe I might have it myself. 
I've already been diagnosed with dyspraxia but 
this doesn't explain all my problems.
Thanks for a very interesting and informative 
site - I was particularly interested to read 
about your school days as I had some similar 
experiences when I was in school.

Name: Francine PriceE-mail:
City: Shamokin CountryCountry: United States
Homepage: Date: 10-Aug-2002 07:55:12

I read your site and found it informative. I 
have a seven year old son who is autistic. I 
myself have manic depression,though I think now 
I may have AS. I think this because I have been 
thinking about my childhood years and how I 
still respond to life situations. Please, 
contact me with an answer to this question: Can 
I go to my psychiatrist for a diagnoses or do I 
need to seek a neurologist?

Thank you

Name: Name: Brady ReedE-mail:
City: HoustonCountry: United States
Homepage: Date: 8-Aug-2002 18:12:59

Thanks for sharing your experiences online with
this website.  My ex-wife "diagnosed" me with
AS, but I don't see myself in your experiences.

As young as you are, you may eventually be cured
of AS.  Medical science is ready to make great
leaps forward soon.

Brady Reed
Houston, Texas  USA

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