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Name: TomE-mail:
City: Lady Lake, FL/from Bridgewater, MACountry: United States
Homepage: Date: 28-Jan-2002 17:11:45

Hello. I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome 
a few years ago in the month of September. Great 

Name: anna lonerganE-mail:
City: oak islandCountry: north carolina, USA
Homepage: Date: 18-Jan-2002 23:45:15

    Thank you for putting up this site.  My 
older brother was diagnosed with OCPD 
with "schizoid tendencies", and depression many 
years ago.  He is 35 now.  After reading your 
site as well as many others I am beginning to 
wonder if perhaps he has AS and not the OCPD, 
etc.  He has many of the types of behavior you 
had as a child and still have.  I am also 
concerned because my little son displays some of 
the same tendencies.  Have you any information 
as to whether AS ever runs in families?
    I am going to e-mail my brother and tell him 
to read your site and see what he thinks. Thanks 
again, and best wishes.
                             Anna Lonergan 

Name: jack snowdenE-mail:
City: KeighleyCountry: england
Homepage: Date: 2-Jan-2002 14:43:47

Hi my names jack, I also have as. I am 8 years 
old, so my mum helped my type this. I am pleased 
to read your site, and want to pass on some 
information to friends that dont understand me 
and why i act like i do.

Name: zofia dunneE-mail:
City: colneCountry: england
Homepage: Date: 25-Dec-2001 15:52:37

hiya kevin, i read your site on asperger's and 
was extremely surprised about your honesty of 
your self. My son was diagnosed as having autism 
but from what i read of your life and comparing 
it to my own i now think that all my children 
and myself suffer from asperger's and to be 
quite honest i am proud to be different i never 
wanted to be like anyone else perhaps only to be 
able to do some of the things that others can 
do. glad you created your site zo.

Name: Adelaide La Blanche-DupontE-mail:
City: CambridgeCountry: Great Britain
Homepage: 24-Dec-2001 01:34:14

Hello Kevin. Just wondered if you were thinking
about writing about creativity and imagination in
Asperger Syndrome because I found David's writing
about his fantasies very intriguing. I like your
weather observations, advocacy and ESPECIALLY how
you shouted at the kids at the special school
when they were eating your fish and chips and
Coke. Yours and George Handley's sites are a good
pair to one another-you are interesting and
enlightening in your own ways. I might never have
learnt about British television without the
references par excellence on his site, and how
horrible the LEAs are (especially in Barnley).
Your distinctions are excellent and well worth
learning from, especially for my friend in the
Disability Liasion Unit of Napier University,
Nicole Barravecchio. Did you ever look at
Hubert's site about making sense? I'm glad you
like the Institute for the Neurotypical too!

Name: Lisa McDonoughE-mail:
City: Greater ManchesterCountry: England
Homepage: Date: 20-Dec-2001 15:02:28

I have just started teaching, and a colleague of 
mine was concerned about a child in her care. I 
stumbled across this website in an attempt to 
find answers to the boys difficulties, and I 
found it was very helpful, extremely informative 
and thoroughly fascinating. 

It has definitely given me tonnes of food for 

Name: Dr Eric CrouchE-mail:
City: BarnsleyCountry: UK
Homepage: Date: 4-Dec-2001 16:38:58

Thanks for telling me about your web site. I
haven't had time to look at it all yet, but I'm
very impressed by what I have seen. It is a very
informative web site.

One technical point. When I looked at it with
Internet Explorer 5 on an Apple Mac, the links
didn't work, though they work fine with Netscape

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