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Cat's Muses and Oc

Boo! Yes....I'm actually getting around to doing something here. FINALY. Whatever. I have very little in the other sections so I thought that this place needed to go up so I could find out what styles I like the best. I draw in too many. *cringes* Yes, far too many. Then they try to mix and look like crap. *nods* Yep. Very few pictures I'm actually happy with. I need to take an art class.... an anatomy class espesially. But for knowing jack shit I guess I do okay. Some comments would really be helpful. 'Specially in the 'how to improve' department. On to the muses!....and OCs.

Linoeska "Hyp"
Hyp just being handsom.

Rayen Lanaskeyo
Rayen and fun with shading.
Rayen....looking at something.
My first picture of Rayen. Ah how things have changed.
Trying to mix style and failling.
Most recent picture. Kinda mixed styles.

Oni Lanaskeyo
The picture that gave birth to Oni.
It's impossible for this kid to look anything but cute.

Finally! A cute chibi! Now I just have to draw her as an adult....

Ryanu Xiano "Ryn"
The really crappy preportion picture that gave birth to Ryn.
He may be abnormally thin but he does not look that femme. At least the colors are right.

...My he/she is missing a hand....
Lane got pissed off and wearing make-up.
ARG! What is with that eye?
Messing 'round with a style I saw in a Sailor Moon Yaoi Dojinsin.

Shinne Mire
I used to have the hardest time drawing left eyes. Still do.
Shinne: Alexander The Conquerer style.
Cross a non-talking muse with the Turks from FF7, Weiss Kruess, and an inability to draw hands.

His sleeves are too short....and his clothes made of burlap bags.

None Yet

Will eventually do something with him. What's the word for 'nameless' in Arabic?
Remrei. He's a bit psycotic, but fun.
I don't know what his name is. Only that he's 17 and looks strangely like a Yohji, Nagi, and Ken mix.
Shawcra. My little fox demon kit.
Annukiyo. Yu-Gi-Oh! ghost. Yami's ansestor and a concubine.