The Way Normal People Really Dress TODAY

Does THIS Women look 'Inmodest' to YOU?

The Bible says to be "Modest in one's dress." There is NOTHING 'inmodest about the way these two models are dressed. Thus there is no REAL bibical backing for rigid religious groups strict formal dress codes found amoung Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons, and Holy Pentecostals. It would seem that the real reason that these religions keep to such old fashioned ideas about formal dress codes has not so much to do with what the Bible REALLY says..Rather it is about the REALLY old men who run these religions, and about THEM forcing their early 1900's Victorian age ideas on todays people.

Does This Man Look 'Inmodest' To You?

Thus, in reality, you can say that the suite and tie and granny dresses of today are the scribes royal purple robes of yesterdays.

Who Dresses Like THIS TODAY? To dress so formal like this is look out of place like a monk wearing an red robe.

Which look are you more comfortable with? The two models here wearing regular nice sweaters and nice jeans...? or the two dressed like lawyers here???

Got a comment for me on this? Write to me at:

The Earth Eden Project P.O.Box 142 Ojai,CA

Comments calling me "worldy", "heathen", "apostate", or "rebellious", will be thrown prompty and eternally in the trash...