Your Private Gold-Mine!


Frequently Asked Questions

about the 
Private Gold-Mine

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Enrolment Form


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Private Gold-Mine members say 
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This is your invitation to join one of the world’s most rewarding financial associations. The Private Gold-Mine Organization was created and organized to provide each of our members with US$1,500,000 or GB£1,000,000 or E1,500,000 (E=Euros). You can become one of us if you can post two envelopes! The Private Gold-Mine Organization does not allow negative bias on account of age, race, religion, politics or sex. 

Not only do Private Gold-Mine Organization Members receive their money quickly but they are taught the secret principles behind creating capital for themselves and living a long, prosperous and happy life

These monies are not charity or loans and do not have to be repaid. The money is yours …… buy your dream home or a luxury car, retire or travel the world. Whatever you wish you can do – with this money. It is truly yours and free of any “conditions”.

With the growth of international commerce the Private Gold-Mine Organization has extended its operation around the world and is making people like yourself millionaires every day. If you have been lead to join an organization apparently similar to this in the past and it has let you down then it must have been an unlawful copy.

Because of our worldwide membership we are now creating wealth in three principal currencies which are conveniently available worldwide: American Dollars, British pounds and European Euros. When you receive money from members in another country it will arrive as cash in one of these three currencies. You must then exchange it at a local bank or currency exchange office. US$15 = GB£10 = E15 approximately so you will make the same amount of money wherever it comes from.

If you have concerns about the legality of this system please see the end of this letter.

Naturally you are wondering how an organization such as ours could be so well endowed as to be able to give away $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000 to YOU. Being open and straightforward in these things we have to explain here that the capital comes from our OTHER MEMBERS by an ingenious and perfectly legitimate system. With the Private Gold-Mine Organization everyone wins!

You may remember the story of the little old shoemaker who was going to close down his shop because business had become so slow. Many of the townsfolk realized how valuable his service was and banded together to help. Each citizen went to the shoemaker and bought a pair of his excellent shoes. Needless to say, this sudden spurt of business enabled the shoemaker to stay in business. It also made him wealthy.

This is what we are about. Thousands of our members, all found by “Junior” Private Gold-Mine Organization Members (not yourself), will purchase thousands of copies of a certain product FROM YOU for $15 or £10 or E15 EACH. This information based product you will produce almost for FREE on your computer or for the price of a Photostat. You do not need a computer to make YOUR fortune with the Private Gold-Mine Organization. Our other members will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

To become eligible to receive all these thousands of $15 or £10 or E15 orders all you have to do is buy one product from one of our members for $15 or £10 or E15 depending upon where you and they live. That is all. Your total outlay to join the system is $15 or £10 or E15 to join and $15 or £10 or E15 for your product. This letter invites you to join and you will be shown where to buy the product later.

You are never risking more than $15 or £10 or E15 and you stand to make $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000. Will you trust someone you don’t know with $15 or £10 or E15 KNOWING it is in THEIR INTEREST to help YOU make money?

 If they let you down THEY lose A LOT of MONEY.

Since we have total confidence in this system, it having run with immense success in previous years by “SNAIL-MAIL” before its TRANSFER TO THE INTERNET, we are going to offer you a complete money back guarantee. Should you decide not to proceed with this system after having read the Introductory Details (which will be sent following your application) you can just write to your Sponsor within fourteen days and He/She will return your $15 or £10 or E15 enrolment fee.

YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AND $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000 TO GAIN

Read the following material and act quickly . If we don’t hear from you within nine days then your place, and your $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000 will be allocated to someone else.


The Private Gold-Mine Organization is set up to provide a huge legitimate income to all who join by using a time-proven form of commercial capitalism. Although the principal concept is unknown to the vast majority of people, the core secrets have been carefully preserved and passed on to each succeeding business generation by “elder statesmen” of commerce.

This unique method of rapidly multiplying any size investment has always been successful, but never surfaced to the view of the general public since over-use would reduce its power. Why do you think a few people are so rich and most people are so poor?

Evidence of this time-proven principle has been found on ancient Egyptian scrolls and in medieval European history. Capitalist political leaders over the last few centuries have used the Private Gold-Mine Organization system to revitalize flagging or weak economies within their own countries.

Over the years, names or titles within this wealth creating system have been updated but the principle always remains the same. As a valuable member you will be taught .

Unfortunately, some twentieth century profiteers sought to abuse their knowledge by using parts of the system to create “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” and similar unethical practices. These endeavors were never successful for anyone but those at the top because they failed to contain the total system components and they also performed the operation in the wrong direction.

Large companies have for centuries had easy access to capital through banks, insurance cartels and stock markets but ordinary people were left to fend for themselves. With the economy facing the worst slump since World War II , a select group of people are once again raising capital for their own use by means of the original and powerful Private Gold-Mine system. Wealth and freedom await those who join us!

How does the program work? The simplest way to describe the Private Gold-Mine Organization is to say it is like a “chain letter” in reverse. Instead of starting with one copy and trying to expand your base by peddling it to others whom you do not know or trust, the broad marketing base is provided through our certified membership list. This way you are sure of every participant’s intent before he or she becomes involved. Hundreds of our members actually market your product for you. Then a unique control system double checks (from both directions) everyone’s activities. Should someone break a line through inactivity or corruption (a rare occurrence), the list controller immediately inserts someone else in their place.

Another feature differentiating the Private Gold-Mine from ineffective copies is the method of travel on the list. After you make your single $15 or £10 or E15 purchase from another member, YOU can first receive $4,755 or £3,170 or E4,755 “front money” and then move immediately to the top position to receive your $1,500,000 or  £1,000,000 or E1,500,000. Sounds complicated? Of course it does. If it were simple, the principles could have been discovered by the average person long ago.

Even after you have received the complete program materials and read them, it’s not necessary to understand the principles – just follow the easy instructions to collect your wealth quickly.


Here is a Testimonial Letter From B. C.  who is a well known author based in the United Kingdom:

      I know that what you are about to read will knock you for six. Your first question will probably be, “Why is a successful author involved in a money making program like this?” Simple! I am always looking for lawful ways to make a lot more money. If money doesn’t make one happy, at least it allows one to be unhappy in luxury. And the Product should make anyone happy!

       One reason for this testimonial letter is to convince you that the enclosed program is honest, lawful and extremely profitable. It is a way to get the large amount of money you want and need. I dismissed several mailed invitations with my usual cynicism until my wife decided to give it a try. She received hundreds of pounds in the first week and I had to take notice! When I joined myself I initially let no one in the organization know who I was. To my astonishment I received £36,470 in the first few weeks. With money still flooding in at the time of writing I am well on my way to the promised £1,000,000.


Here are a few: 

Some people believe they can never make big money with anything.

Some feel the world owes them a living served on a silver dish.

Some are afraid that they will be ridiculed for trying. (Don’t tell anyone?)

Some must be driven because they can start nothing by or for themselves.

Some DREAM of large sums of money and do nothing to achieve it.

Some are plain lazy.

Some are afraid that they might lose less money than they waste on cigarettes in a week.

     What could be your reason for not joining now? The system works if you will only JOIN. You have in front of you a tried and proven method to get all of the money you will ever need or want. If you do not take the first step to be sponsored in, you will never even get the first pound. JOIN NOW!

     Don’t lose out on a FORTUNE in CASH just by being too idle to get up from your chair.

      By the time you read it this letter will probably not be making me a penny, but, hopefully, I have said something to make you think about your future and to get you to help the person that mailed this to you, making it possible for others, in  turn, to help you. My main reason for writing this letter is to get people to help one another – after all, lots of people have helped me make a sizeable fortune. Don’t miss out yourself.

Yours very sincerely,        

B. C.    Totnes     United Kingdom    2001


To The Value Of $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000.

Fill out the Enrolment Page and return it with your enrollment fee of US$15 or GB£10 or E15 to YOUR SPONSOR: Get their name and address from the Enrolment Page. This nominal enrolment fee covers the following:

** Rules and guidelines 
** Maintenance of control systems 
** Private Gold-Mine Organization mailing and handling of cash flow 
** Overview of your involvement and activity in accessing your Private Gold-Mine  
** Keeping the system ethical so that you receive all your monies when due.



This program was carefully designed to operate within the laws of the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the European Community.

If you have any questions regarding the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C. or the relevant authority in your own country.

Business Outline:

You are required to provide an information based product to all your clients. You will be shown how to do by normal post or email. You are reminded to claim all expenditure on your income tax returns. You will effectively be engaged in the business of mail order. You will be supplying by the thousand, for a payment to you of $15 or £10 or E15 per item paid in advance, an information based product which you will produce for practically nothing. You will therefore be receiving a legitimate profit of almost $15 or £10 or E15 on each order. Please keep this and all subsequent material in a safe place.

“Foreign Currency”

The Private Gold-Mine Organization operates all over the free world. To do this it has to accept three principal currencies: British Pounds, United States Dollars and European Euros. This affects you as a Joining Member only insofar as you must send your enrolment fee in the currency requested. When you later receive large amounts of cash you will be shown how to convert this into the currency of your choice without significant cost.

The Private Gold-Mine Organization is not “money for nothing”.

To make your $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000 you will have to pass on “Campaign Packages” by post or email to 317 people after receiving $4,755 or  £3,170 or E4,755 payment in advance for them.

You will also have to send out Information Based Products after receiving $15 or £10 or E15 payment in advance for each one of them. This, of course, will total $1,500,000 or £1,000,000 or E1,500,000 income for YOU if you follow the instructions. You will be shown how to automate this mailing procedure.




Enrolment Page


Frequently Asked Questions

about the 
Private Gold-Mine

Private Gold-Mine members


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